Neeg Australia ua tej no kom thiaj pab txuag thiab tsis tau them nqe hluav taws xob kim

Neeg Australia yeej ua ntau yam li tua tej teeb ntawm tej chaw ua hauj lwm los yog ua ntau yam kom thiaj tsis tau them nqe hluav taws xob ntau.

A stock photo of an electricity bill, showing electricity usage data

From 1 July, electricity bills in parts of Australia were expected to rise almost 25 per cent under new prices set by the country's energy regulator. Source: AAP / DAVID MARIUZ/AAPIMAGE

Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb:
  • Nqe hluav taws xob kim tuaj ntxiv yuav laug txog 25% tom qab tau kho tej cai tsis ntev los no.
  • Neeg Australia feem ceeb hais tias lawv yuav xyuas kom txo tau tej nqe no pheej yig zog rau lub caij ntuj no nod.
  • Muaj kev teeb txheeb qhia tias tej neeg ntawm xeev South Australia yog cov tej nqe nce kim tshaj plaws.
Tej neeg Australia uas tau koom ib co kev teeb txheeb tshiab hais tias lawv npaj yuav tau tua teeb, los yog tua lub pob tswj hluav taws xob loj rau lub caij tsis siv dab tsi kom thiaj txuag tau nyiaj me ntsis los ntawm tej nqe hluav taws xob uas kim tuaj ntxiv no.

Muaj yuav laug txog li 80 feem pua ntawm tej neeg 1,090 tus uas tau koom cov kev teeb txheeb ntawm lub koom haum Finder uas piv tej nqe services ntau yam hais tias lawv tau npaj kom txo tau tej nqe them hluav taws xob kom tsawg me ntsis rau lub caij ntuj no ntau hli no, rau lub tsam thawj uas tej nqe hluav taws xob pib kim heev no.

Neeg Australia thiaj raws li tej nqe hluav taws xob tshiab uas lub koom haum energy regulator kho tshiab ntawd.
A table showing seven way's Australians plan to cut down their energy bills
Tej neeg Australia feem coob uas tau koom nrog lub koom haum Finder cov kev teeb txheeb qhia tias lawv npaj ua ib yam dab tsi kom txuag tau nyiaj me ntsi rau tej nqe hluav taws xob - li tua teeb los yog tua lub pob tswj hluav taws xob loj thaum tsis siv. Yog li ntawd ces yam ob ntxiv uas tej neeg ua yog los txog tej nqe siv cua sov thiab cua txias. Source: SBS

Tej neeg yuav tsis ua hauj lwm ntawm tsev

Muaj tej neeg ntau tshaj ib nrab - los sis yuav laug txog li ntawm 56 feem pua - uas tau mus koom cov kev teeb txheeb no hais tias lawv tau tua teeb los sis yog tua tej pob tswj hluav taws xob loj thaum tsis siv hluav taws xob kom thiaj li tau them nqe hluav taws xob pheej yig zog.

Thiab kuj muaj lwm cov neeg hais tias lawv yuav xyuas kom tsis txhob siv cua sov thiab cua txias ntau, thiab kuj muaj yuav laug txog li ib tug ntawm kaum tus twg hais tias, yuav tsis ua hauj lwm ntawm tsev lawm thiab yuav rov qab mus ua hauj lwm ntawm chaw ua hauj lwm kom thiaj tsis txhob tau them kim.
Cov kev hloov siv hluav taws xob nrog tej tuam txhab tshiab, los yog hloov dua tej teeb tshiab los kuj yog tej yam uas tej neeg yuav tau ua, ua ke no los kuj muaj ib txhia kuj tau tab tom txiav txim siab tias seb puas nruab tej phiaj ziab tshav tsim hluav taws xob thiab.

Thiab yeej muaj tej neeg ntau tshaj 20 feem pua yeej tsis npaj yuav hloov lawv tej cwj pwm dab tsi li.

Lub xeev uas nqe hluav taws xob kim tshaj plaws

Lub koom haum Finder tau hais tias tej neeg South Australia yog cov uas tau them nqe siv hluav taws xob kim tshaj plaws raws li cov kev teeb txheeb uas tau mus txheeb txog ntau cov kev siv hluav taws xob sib txawv qhia.

Uas yog tau muab cov nqe them cov kev siv hluav taws xob sib piv rau ib xyoos uas pib txij tim 30 lub 6 hlis ntuj xyoo 2023 mus txog hnub tim 17 lub 7 hli ntuj ntawm tej cuab yig uas muaj neeg ob los yog peb leeg ntawm tib lub zos uas siv ib lub tuam txhab muag hluav taws xob twg ntawm txhua lub xeev.

Ces pom tau tias South Australia tej nqe hluav taws xob uas siv hauv tej cuab yig ib xyoos twg tau nce kim tuam kwv yees txog li ntawm 22 txog 63 feem pua. Thiab Finder kuj tau hais tias muaj ib txhia ces yuav tau them kim tshaj $800 rau ib xyoo twg tom qab tej nqe tau kim tuaj ntxiv tsis ntev los no.
Ntawm xeev Victoria ces tej nqe siv hluav taws xob kuj kim tuaj ntxiv txog li 22 txog 31 feem pua.

Tej neeg ntawm NSW kuj pom tias tej nqe kuj tau kim tuaj ntxiv txog li 15 txog 36 feem pua, hos ntawm Queensland ces tau kim tuaj ntxiv txij li ntawm 8 txog 41 feem pua lawm.

rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) thaum 6 pm AEDT thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) thaum 11 am AEDT los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm , thiab los yog download thiab 
kom koj mloog tau SBS Hmong.

Published 26 July 2023 12:39pm
By SBS News
Presented by Vixay Vue
Source: SBS

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