Cov kev koom tes yuav pab kom Quad muaj zog thiab pab tau cheeb tsam noPlay51:10 Source: SBSSBS HmongView Podcast SeriesGet the SBS Audio appOther ways to listenApple PodcastsYouTubeSpotifyDownload (54.16MB) Xov xwm hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday news 21.05.2023), Suav tej kam teb kam chaw (laj fai kum xeeb), lub rooj sab laj G7 ntawm Hiroshima, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology thiab tej me yes (tub kawm).Mloog tau SBSHmong, rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) thaum 6 pm AEDT thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) thaum 11 am AEDT los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm Facebook, Googlepodcasts, Spotify, thiab Apple podcasts los yog download SBS Radio App thiab SBS Hmongpodfollow kom koj mloog tau SBS Hmong.ShareLatest podcast episodesGum healthWhat constitutes family violenceHmong family who recently arrived in AustraliaHmong Vietnamese refugee recently arrived in Australia