Ob kwv tij Hmoob Australia ua yog Jason Vue thiab Kashia Vue tau mus koom Australia cov kev sib tw Australian Professional League of International Federation of Body Builder rau 3 qhov chaw xws li Cairns, Townsville thiab Gold Coast thiab tau yeej ib cov khoom plig sib txawv ntau yam.
Kim Kaj Siab Vwj (Kashia Vue) tau hais tias nws thiab nws tus tij laug twb tau pib npaj cov kev sib tw no thaum ntxov xyoo no lawm kom thiaj muaj peev xwm koom nrog cov kev sib tw body building season B uas pib txij lub 9 hli ntuj txog 10 hli ntuj xyoo 2018 no. Hos cov season A ces yuav pib sib tw thaum ntxov ntawm lub xyoo thiab yeej muaj cov kev sib tw no txhua txhua lub xyoo ib xyoos 2 zaug li Season A thiab Season B.
Nkawv kuj nrhiav tau ib tug coach los yog tus kws qhia thiab xyaum nkawv lub cev, qhia seb yuav noj zaub mov dab tsi thiab yuav noj ntau npaum li cas. Tsis tas li no los kim Kaj Siab Vwj tseem tau qhia tias nkawv yuav tau hloov noj tej zaub mov tshiab thiab sib txawv txhua txhua hnub thiab yuav tau muaj cov kev xyaum nkawv lub cev txawv txhua hnub uas yuav tau kawm, thiab yuav tau hloov txhua txhua lub plua (Limtiam-weekly) kom yuav tau hloov nkawv lub cev kom yuav tsum hnyav npaum li cas los tau 6 lub hli diam txog rau tam sim no uas nkawv tau mus sib tw cov body building competition season B tsis ntev dhau los no.
Kim Kaj Siab Vwj hais tias nws thiab nws tus tij laug twb tau siv sij hawm txog li 6-7 xyoo los npaj nkawv lub cev tom gym ua ntej lawm, thiab yuav tau siv sij hawm thiab caij nyoog kom yus tau txais kev noj qab nyob zoo ua ntej xwb. Tsis yog tias yus mus gym es muaj nqaij lawm ces yuav cia li muaj peev xwm mus koom cov kev sib tw no es cia siab tias yuav yeej, tab sis tseem yuav tau mus nrhiab cov body builder coach coj los qhia yus kom paub ntswj thiab tshoom yus cov nqaij kom zoo nkauj thiab tso.

Jason Vue and his brother Kashia Vue with their Australian Professional League of International Federation Body Builder (IFBB) season B 2018-Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue

Body builder contestants and their medal from Australia IFBB competition 2018 season B-Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue
Kim Kaj Siab Vwj hais tias " Kuv zoo siab thiab txaus siab heev thaum kuv pom tias kuv lub cev zoo nkauj heev, Kuv tsis xav kom kuv yog cov neeg noj zaub mov ntau es ras los ua cov neeg rog los yog lub cev muaj ceeb thawj li lwm tus hauv Hmoob tej neeg zejzog."
Saib tau cov neeg mus koom cov kev sib tw body builder ntawm no: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FSBSHmong%2Fvideos%2F327734894653424%2F&show_text=0&width=560

Jason Vue and Kashia Vue with their Australian IFBB medals-Courtesy of Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue
Thawj cov kev sib tw yog ntawm Cairns. Kashia Vue yeej zum (thib) 2 thiab tau npib nyiaj hos Jason uas yog nws tus tij laug yeej npib kub ntxiv ntawd ces nws ho tau mus sib tw cov overall ces nws ho yeej cov npib kub thiab tau ua tus yeej tag nrho cov kev sib tw zaum no.
Hos hais txog cov kev sib tw ntawm Townsville, ces Jason kuj tau jus koom cov kev sib tw lub cev muaj ceeb thawj tsawg dua 90 kilograms ces nws kuj yeej npib kub lawm thiab.
Kim Kaj Siab Vwj kuj tau sib tw rau cov kev sib tw lub cev hnyav tsawg dua 80 kilograms ces nws kuj yeej npib kub lawm thiab.
Ntxiv ntwad nkawv kuj tau koom nrog cov neeg mus sib tw tshiab (Novice) uas sib tw thawj zaug, ces Jason Vue yeej npib kub thiab Kaj Siab tau thib 3 lawm. Cov kev muaj yeej no tau ua rau nkawv mus sib tw overall nrog cov neeg yeej overall thiab ces Jason kuj tau yeej npib kub dua ib zaug ntxiv thiab.
Mr. Kashia tau hais tias muaj ntau yam nyuaj rau cov kev sib tw no yog tias yus muaj cuab yig lawm, vim rau qhov yus yuavtau noj txawv yus tsev neeg, yus yuav tau pw ntxov, tsis pub yus mus koom koob tsheej, tsis haus dej haus cawv, thiab tsis pub yus noj nqaij li.

Australian IFBB competition 2018-Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue
Txhua hnub ntawm yus lub neej ces yeej yuav tau sawv ntxov mus hauj lwm, rov qab los tsev, noj mov, mus gym thiab rov qab los pw lawm xwb. Ces Mr. Kashia Vue thiaj hais tias yog tej yam nyuaj heev rau yus txoj kev ua lub neej.
Kashia xav qhia rau cov neeg uas nyiam cov kev sib tw Bodybulding sport no tias "Peb yav tau maj mam xyaum kom txawj zuj zus tuaj, tsis txhob maj vim cov bodybuilding sport no tsis yog ib cov kev maj ntug maj teb tab sis yuav tau siv sij hawm thiab siv caij nyoog los xyaum thiab npaj kom yus cov nqaij zoo nkauj tuaj."

Australia IFBB competition 2018-Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue
Mr. Kashia Vue tau qhia rau SBS Hmong Program tias nws xav paub tias seb tam li yog ib tug pej xeem Australia caj ceg neeg Hmoob no yus ho muaj peev xwm npaum li cas rau cov kev sib tw no.
Nkawv yeej tau mus koom cov kev sib tw body builder ntawm Gold Coast thiab tab sis vim yus yog hom neeg me ces yus lub cev yeej piv tsis tau cov neeg Australian lwm tus. Txawm li cas los Kashia kuj yeej ib lub npib kub hos Jason los kuj tau thib 3 rau cov kev sib tw lub cev zoo nkauj (Classic physique), novice short thiab classic physique open short. Tsis tas li ntawd yeej tseem muaj cov kev sib tw Arnold Classic Sports ntawm Melbourne thiab tab sis nkawv sab dhau heev lawm ces thiaj ua siab tsis koom cov kev sib tw no.
Yog tham txog cov nyiaj coj los pab cuam cov kev sib tw (sports) no lawm ces, Mr. Kashia Vue hais tias yus yuav tau rho yus nyiaj ntiag tug los siv xwb yeej tsis tau nyiaj pab cuam los ntawm Australia cov nyiaj sport funds li. Tsuas yog tias yog thaum yus tau mus sib tw no lawm xwb mas thiaj li muaj cov neeg los sis tej tuam txhab los sponsor yus lawm xwb.

Australia IFBB competition 2018-Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue

Australia IFBB competition 2018-Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue
Tam sim no ces nws thiab nws tus tij laug xav so thiab nrog nkawv tsev neeg ncig ua si thiab noj tej zaub mov uas lawv nyiam noj ntawm nroog Melbourne no tso.

Australia IFBB 2018-Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue
Yog li ne Kashia thiab nws tus tij laug Jason ho npaj yuav ua dab tsi txuas ntxiv rau yav pem suab?
Mr. Kashia qhia tias tej zaum nkawv kuj yuav npaj seb puas mus sib tw rau xyoo tshiab tom ntej no thiab.
Thaum tham txog tias seb Mr. Kashia thiab nws tij laug yuav npaj li cas no ces nws qhia tias:
"Kuv xav kom npaj tau kuv lub cev loj tshaj qub tuaj ntxiv, muaj zog dua ntxiv thiab zoo dua qhov qub ntxiv tsis tas li no los yuav tau kawm los ntawm tej yam yus tau ua yuam kev thaum sib tw los yog tej yam yus tseem sib tw tsis tshua tau zoo ntawd kom sib tw tau zoo tshaj qub ntxiv coj los npaj rau cov kev sibtw xyoo 2020 tom ntej no."
Mr. Kashia Vue xav hais rau Hmoob tej neeg zejzog thoob ntiaj teb tias:

Body Builder side show - Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue
"Xav kom txhua leej txhua tus uas nyiam cov sport no ho mus sim thiab mus koom thiab, txawm tias peb yog cov neeg muaj lub cev me los peb yeej muaj peev xwm qhia tau rau ntiaj teb paub tias peb ua tau thiab."

Body builder backshow-Captivating Visuals-Nick NorthCoat Photography-Courtesy of Kashia Vue Source: Courtesy of Kashia Vue