Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb:
- Yeej ib txwm hu rau tus xov tooj Triple Zero (000) thov kev pab cuam kho mob ti tes ti taws xwb.
- Ib tug twg muaj peev xwm hu tau ib lub tsheb thauj neeg mob txhua qhov chaw ntawm Australia tuaj pab yus tau.
- Thaum koj hu thov tsheb thauj neeg mob siv ces yuav taum tau qhia tej xov xwm kom tsi ntsees thiab qhia kom ntxaws.
- Tej kev siv tsheb thauj neeg mob (Ambulance services) tsis yog ib cov services uas siv dawb ntawm txhua lub xeev.
Tsheb thauj neeg mob (Ambulances) ces yog ib co tsheb uas yeej npaj tej twj coj los kho tej xwm txheej mob nkeeg ti tes ti taw coj los kho tej neeg mob los yog tej neeg raug mob thiab coj loawv mus kho ntawm tsev kho mob yog tsim nyog coj mus kho tiag.
Dr Simon Sawyer yog ib tug Registered Paramedic, thiab yog tus Director of Education ntawm lub koom haum Australian Paramedical College.
Thaum twg mam li hu tsheb thauj neeg mob
Dr Sawyer hais tias yeej muaj ntau yam xwm txheej uas ib tug twg tsim nyog hu rau tus xov tooj triple zero (000) thiab thov ib lub tsheb thauj neeg mob siv thaum ib tug twg:
- muaj plawv txhaws los yog ntshav mus yug lub plawv tsis txaus (heart-attack) los yog koj xav tias tus neeg ntawd muaj cov mob no.
- muaj cov kev mob hauv siab uas tsis muaj peev xwm tshab txhais tau tias tim dab tsi los yog pheej ceev ceev hauv siab.
- cia li tsis hnov qab kiag lawm los yog cia li ua rau ib ce tsis muaj zog kiag tam sim ntawd los yog ib ce loog los sis cia li txhav lawm.
- yog ib tug neeg raug teeb meem kub ntxhov hauv cuab yig li raug lwm tus xuas riam nkaug los yog raug tua.
- yog ib tug neeg raug kub hnyiab, thiab hais tsi ntsees rau cov kev hu tsheb thauj neeg mob pab me nyuam yaus yog ib co tseem ceeb.
- yog tus neeg nrhiaj ib ce; raug mob sab, poob ntawm ib qho chaw siab heev uas ua rau tus neeg ntawd raug mob.
![Worker Call an Ambulance While Senior Warehouse Manager Lying Down on Warehouse](https://images.sbs.com.au/e4/c2/90dc178c4a5c9c719e520ee04bbf/gettyimages-1355532498.jpg?imwidth=1280)
Tsuas tsim nyog koj hu rau tus xov tooj triple zero (000) xwb yog tias muaj ib tug neeg raug mob sab heev los yog yuav tau siv cov kev kho mob pab cuam kom sai. Credit: PixelsEffect/Getty Images
Yog tias koj nyog rau ib qho chaw twg uas nrhiav tsis tau yooj yim, ces yog tias koj tsis qhia kom meej tias koj yog qhov twg kiag, ces peb kuj tsis paub tias koj nyob qhov twg thiab.Dr Simon Sawyer, Registered Paramedic, and Director of Education at the Australian Paramedical College.
Yog li ntawd, Dr Sawyer thiaj hais tias yog tej yam tseem ceeb heev uas koj yuav tsum tau qhia tej xov xwm kom ntxaws npaum li ntxaws tau thaum koj hu rau tus xov tooj triple zero (000).
"Yog tias koj tseem koom ib lub koob tsheej paj nruag, los yog koj tseem mus tshav ib lub khw, los sis yog kom nyob ntawm ib thaj teb thiab ho tsis muaj ib daig phiaj qhia tias seb txoj kev ntawd yog txoj kev hu li cas/txoj kev twg los sis yog koj ho tsis muaj ib lub letterbox uas muaj tus zauv, ces peb yeej tsis paub tias xyov koj nyob qhov twg li."
Ib tug twg yeej muaj peev xwm hu rau tus xov tooj Triple Zero (000)
Yeej muaj peev xwm hu tau Triple Zero no dawb xwb thiab koj muaj peev xwm siv xov tooj hauv tsev, tej xov tooj hu them nyiaj los yog xov tooj ntawm tes (mobile phone) hu tau 24 teev rau ib hnub twg, hu tau 7 hnub rau ib limtiam twg.
Dr Simon Sawyer thiaj hais tias tsis tas siv nyiaj dab tsi los yeej muaj peev xwm hu tau rau tus xov tooj 000.
Ib tug twg muaj peev xwm siv tau tus xov tooj Triple Zero (000). Yus tsis tas ua tub koom siab, tsis tas yus yuav tsum yog ib tug pej xeem Australia. Tej me nyuam yaus los yeej muaj peev xwm hu tau tib yam li tej laus. Los sis lub caij yus mus holiday ib qho qhov twg ntawm Australia los yeej muaj peev xwm hu tau rau tus xov tooj no.Dr Simon Sawyer.
Yog tias ib tug twg ho hais tsis tau lus meej los yog tsis hnov lus, ces lawv muaj peev xwm xa xo (text) rau tus zauv 106 uas yog ib cov kev pab cuam uas sau ntawv xa xov pab cuam (text based service).
![Calling for help](https://images.sbs.com.au/20/6d/76a9a44a4b5daa90d3c51218cf87/gettyimages-1296092904.jpg?imwidth=1280)
Dr Sawyer hais tias "Tej zaum koj kuj tseem mus rau ib lub xeev uas koj tsis ib txwm nyob thiab. Yog li ntawd thiaj tsis tas koj yuav tsum nyob tsev xwb es thiaj hu tau thov cov kev pab cuam no siv." Source: Moment RF / skaman306/Getty Images
Yuav muaj dab tsi tshwm sim thaum koj hu rau tus zauv xov tooj Triple Zero (000)
Tus neeg uas teb tus koj tsab xov tooj triple zero yuav nug ntau cov lus nug kom thiaj paub txiav txim siab tias seb tej xwm txheej tshwm sim rau koj puas yog ib cov xwm txheej ti tes ti taw.
Dr Sawyer hais tias thiaj tseem ceeb heev uas seb koj ho teb tej lus nug li cas xwb.
"Yog li thiaj xav kom koj teb tej lus nug ntawd kom tsi ntsees npaum li qhov koj muaj peev xwm teb tau. Tham tam li yog ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm paramedic, ces yog tej yam tseem ceeb heev rau kuv paub kom tseeb kiag tias tab tom muaj ib co laj thawj dab tsi ua rau kuv tab tom mus ua dab tsi. Piv txwv li, Kuv tau ua tsheb sib tsoo. Kuv tus poj niam/tus txiv tsis ua pa lawm, kuv tus poj niam/kuv tus txiv mob mob hauv siab...''
Tus neeg teb xov tooj ntawd los kuj yuav nug ntxiv thiab tias muaj pes tsawg tus neeg mob los yog raug mob thiab.
Dr Sawyer hais ntxiv tias "Tej ntawd yog tej yam tseem ceeb vim rau qhov tias yog tias tsuas yog tib tug neeg xwb, ces tej zaum ib lub tsheb thauj neeg mob xwb txaus lawm, tab sis yog muaj peb tug neeg raug mob, ces ib lub tsheb thauj neeg mob xwb yuav tsis txaus siv thiab tej zaum peb yuav tau xa ib co tsheb thauj neeg mob mus ntxiv thiab los kuj tau."
Tej xov xwm txog tus neeg ntawd seb muaj hnoob nyoog pes tsawg xyoo thiab yog poj niam los txiv neej no kuj yog ib co seem ceeb thiab, vim yog tej yuav pab tej neeg ua hauj lwm paramedics npaj tej tshuaj kho mob, cov kev kho mob los yog tej twj kom haum raws li qhov tsim nyog. Thiaj yog tej yam tseem ceeb thiab tias seb tus neeg mob ntawd puas yog cov neeg phais hloov cev ntawm poj niam ua txiv neej los yog ntawm txiv neej ua poj niam (transgenders) los yog cov neeg ntawd tsis yog poj niam thiab tsis yog txiv neej thiab (non-binary).
Dr Sawyer hais tias cov kev paub tias tus neeg ntawd muaj hnoob nyoog li cas yog ib yam tseem ceeb heev thiab. Piv txwv li, nws tshab txhais tias ''seb tus neeg ntawd puas yog ib tug me nyuam yaus, los yog ib tug laus neeg, los sis yog tus neeg hluas, kom kuv thiaj paub npaj tias yuav siv tshuaj dab tsi thiab yuav siv ntau npaum li cas. Kom kuv thiaj paub npaj ntau yam.''
![EMERGENCY SERVICES WA](https://images.sbs.com.au/cb/0a/1fc3e11b4d20822d2805278f8363/20220919001705188330-original.jpg?imwidth=1280)
Ms Mackay hais tsis yog txhua tsab xov tooj hu rau triple zero yuav xa tsheb thauj neeg mob mus pab. Source: AAP / RICHARD WAINWRIGHT/AAPIMAGE
Yuav tsis xav tej tsheb thauj neeg mob (Ambulances) mus pab txhua tsab xov tooj
Lindsay Mackay yog tus kis tswj cov hauj lwm Operational Communications ntawm lub koom haum Ambulance Victoria.
Nws hais tias tsis yog yuav xa ib lub tsheb thauj neeg mob mus pab txhua tsab xov tooj uas hu rau tus zauv xov tooj triple zero (000).
Ib tsab xov tooj ntawm tsib (5) tsab twg uas hu rau tus xov tooj triple zero (000) ntawd yeej tsis tas yuav xa ib lub tsheb thauj neeg mob mus pab cawm tej xwm txheej kho mob ti tes ti taw li.Lindsay Mackay, Acting Executive Director Operational Communications, Ambulance Victoria.
Ms Mackay tshab txhais tias "Thaum uas koj tau qhia tag nrog koj tej xov xwm rau tus neeg teb xov tooj lawm, ces lawv yuav siv cov system los txiav txim siab...''
Nws hais tias, yog lawv pom tias tsis yog ib co xwm txheej ti tes ti taw (emergency) ces tej zaum lawv yuav nrhiav seb puas tau ib tug kws kho mob, los yog ib lub chaw muag tshuaj, thiab tej zaum lawv kuj yuav xa ib tug kws kho mob tuaj pab koj los sis yuav xa ib tug nurse tuaj pab koj xwb yog tias koj raug mob ib yam dab tsi.
Cov hom tsheb uas siv coj mus pab
Muaj ntau yam tsheb thauj neeg mob, thiab txhua hom yeej tau npaj tej twj kho mob txhij li:
- tsheb vans (uas yog hom tsheb thauj neeg mob uas siv ntau tshaj plaws).
- four-wheel drives (tsheb khiav plaub lub log tib txhij).
- tsheb maus taus (motorbikes).
- tsheb me (buses).
- dav hlau (airplanes).
- nyob hoom kiv tshuab (helicopters).
![Helicopter- Health Victoria](https://images.sbs.com.au/a9/ed/77e22db34897806c655c89b58240/20220609001667710901-original.jpg?imwidth=1280)
Ib lub nyob haum kiv tshuaj kho mob tsaws ntawm tsev kho mob Alfred Hospital ntawm Melbourne, hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday), lub 6 hi ntuj (June) hnub tim 9, xyoo 2022. Source: AAP / DIEGO FEDELE/AAPIMAGE
Cov kev kwv yees ntsuam mob (Provisional diagnosis)
Dr Sawyer hais tias thaum uas lawv mus txog chaw lawm, ces tej neeg ua hauj lwm paramedics yuav kwv yees ntsuam mob.
“Peb yog tej kws paub kho tej mob ti tes ti taws sab nraum tsev kho mob. Peb thiaj yuav nug ntau yam lus nug txog koj tej keeb kwm kho mob, thiab seb koj puas noj ib yam tshuaj dab tsis fab, los yog seb koj puas tseem tab tom noj ib cov tshuaj twg tam sim no. Ces peb yuav siv tag nrho tej xov xwm uas tau los ntawd coj los txiav txim thiab ntsuam mob - thiab ua cov txiav txim tias peb xav tias muaj teeb meem dab tsi rau koj."
Dr Sawyer tshab txhais tias, raws li ib txwm ua mas yuav muaj ib lub tsheb thauj neeg mob thauj koj mus rau ntawm lub tsev kho mob ze tshaj plaws, tab sis tej zaum kuj tsis yog yuav ua li no txhua zaus thiab.
![Tasmanian Emergency Services vehicle](https://images.sbs.com.au/94/d0/bec60021438295b7a06407dda53c/20220810001688421941-original.jpg?imwidth=1280)
Yog tias koj nyob ntawm xeev Tasmania ces, feem ntau tsoom fwv xeev yeej tsis hais kom koj them tej nqe siv tsheb thauj neeg mob li. Source: AAP / ROB BLAKERS/AAPIMAGE
Thaum hu tsheb thauj neeg mob siv lawm leej twg yog tus them?
Medicare yuav tsis them tej nqe siv tsheb thauj neeg mob (ambulance services).
Yog li ntawd tej nqe them siv tsheb thauj neeg mob ntawd ces kuj nyob ntawm seb koj ho nyob rau lub xeev twg thiab tus neeg mob ntawd ho poob rau tej xwm txheej zoo li cas xwb thiab.
Yog li ntawd tej zaum tej koom haum thauj neeg mob xeev (State ambulance services) kuj yuav tsub nqe rau yus them los yog tsuas them raws kilometre xwb, los sis tej zaum yuav tau them ob yam nqe no tib si thiab.
Tej xeev li Queensland thiab Tasmania ntawd ces yeej muaj cov tsheb thauj neeg mob pub dawb rau tag nrho lawv tej neeg siv. Hos lwm cov xeev ces yus yuav tau them nyiaj uas tub koom siab nrog tej koom haum tsheb thauj neeg mob thiaj tau siv. Txawm li cas los kuj yog tej yam tseem ceeb thiab tias, yus yeej tseem muaj peev xwm siv tau tsheb thauj neeg mob txawm tias yus tsis ua tub koom siab, tab sis tej zaum yus yuav tau them.Dr Simon Sawyer, Registered Paramedic, and Director of Education at the Australian Paramedical College.
Dr Sawyer thiaj xav kom mus ntsib tej koom haum thauj neeg mob ntawm koj lub xeev.
Nws hais tias "Koj muaj peev xwm mus txheeb tau lawv tej vas sab (websites) los yog hu xov tooj nrog lawv tham. Tab sis tsis txhob hu rau tus xov tooj triple zero (000). Ces koj yeej muaj peev xwm hu tau rau lub koom haum tsheb tau neeg mob ntawd thiab nug seb koj puas yuav tau ua tub koom siab los tsis ua. Thiab lawv yej muaj peev xwm yuav taw qhia rau koj."
"Yog tias koj xav ua tub koom siab, ces tus nqe pheej yig xwb. Feem ntau mas tsuas tau them $50 rau ib xyoo twg rau tib tug neeg los yog them $100 rau ib tse neeg twg xwb."
Dr Sawyer hais ntxiv tias "Yog tias koj ho yuav nyiaj tuav pov hwm kho mob ntiag tug (private health insurance), ces tej zaum kuj suav cov kev siv tsheb thauj neeg mob nrog thiab."
Yog koj xav txheeb kom paub txog tej nqe siv tsheb thauj neeg mob kom ntxaws ntawm koj lub xeev, ces txheeb tau raws li hauv qab no:
Tej nqe siv tsheb thauj neeg mob (Ambulance costs) ntawd ces tej zaum kuj yuav raug txo kom pheej yig los yog tsis hais kom tej neeg uas siv cov pensioner concession card, los yog cov health care concession card thiab tej Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card holders ntawm qee lub xeev thiab.
Muaj neeg txhais lus pab thiab.
Ms Mackay hais tias, koj hais tsis tau lus Aaskiv zoo, ces koj muaj peev xwm siv cov neeg txhais lus uas paub ob hom lus rau ib lub caij twg thaum koj tseem siv cov kev pab cuam no tau thiab.
Nws tshab txhais tias “Peb yeej muaj tej neeg txhais txhua yam lus. Yog li ntawd thaum koj hu tus xov tooj triple zero, thiab koj qhia rau tej neeg teb xov tooj ntawd tias, koj tsis tshua paub lus Aaskiv zoo, ces yam tsawg ... lawv yuav nug tias seb koj hais hom lus twg. Ces lawv mam li txuas xov tooj rau tej neeg txhais hom lus ntawd kom pab koj.''
rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) thaum 6 pm AEDT thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) thaum 11 am AEDT los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm ,, , thiab los yog download