Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb:
- Driver licenses (Tej ntawv tsav tsheb) yog ib co ntaub ntawv raug cai rau ib tug neeg twg tsav tau tsheb ntawm Australia.
- Australia tej xeev yog cov txiav txiam siab tias seb yuav ua li cas los yog siv cai dab tsi los tswj cov ntawv tsav tsheb.
- Ua ntej ib tug neeg tsav tsheb yuav tau daim ntawv tsav tsheb txwm siv, ces nws yuav tau tshau kom dhau ntau yam txuj tso.
- Tej zaum tej neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw kuj yuav muaj cai siv ib co txheej txheem sai dua los pab kom lawv hloov tau lawv tej ntawv tsav tsheb txawv teb chaws los siv tau Australia daim ntawv tsav tsheb thiab.
Ib daig ntawv tsav tsheb twg yeej yog ib daim ntawv tau txais kev tso cai ntawm nom tswv rau tus neeg tau daim ntawv tsav tsheb ntawv siv kom nws muaj cai tsab tau ib lub tsheb raug kev raug cai.
Ntawm Australia no ces, yeej muaj ntau cov txheej txheem yuav tau ua kom tiav tso mas thiaj yuav thov tau ib daib ntawv tsav tsheb siv.
Ces thiaj nyob rau ntawm seb yus ho xav thov ntawv tsav tsheb loj los me thiab xav tau hom ntawv tsav tsheb twg siv ces yuav tau ua raws li tej txheej txheem sib txawv ntawd kom thiaj thov tau daim ntawv tsav tsheb ntawv rau yus siv.
Tsis tas li ntawd los kuj muaj tej cai sib txawv siv ntawm tej xeev thiab. Txawm li cas los yeej muaj ntau yam cai muaj ntsis sib xws ntawm tej xeev thiab.
Thawj kauj ruam ces yog kawm txog tej cai siv tswj kev tsheb. Ntxiv ntawd ces yus mam mus thov xeem kom tau daim ntawv pib xyaum tsav tsheb (learner's dirving license) uas sawv daws paub tias yog 'Ls'. Daim ntawv pib xyaum tsav tsheb 'L' no yuav tso cai rau koj xyaum kawm tsav ib lub tsheb rau lub caij muaj ib tug neeg pab saib xyuas koj.
Louise Higgins Whitton, yog ib tug coj uas lis tej dej num tswv yim pab kom tau txais kev nyab xeeb ntawm tej kev thiab tej cai ntawm NSW Transport tshab txhais tias “Ntawm New South Wales (NSW), no ces yog muaj hnoob nyoog 16 xyoo lawm ces muaj cai thov tau ib daig ntawv pib kawm xyaum tsav tsheb (a learner licence). Ntxiv ntawd los koj yuav tseem yuav raug sim seb koj puas pom kev zoo thiab yuav tau mus tshau ib yam txuj ntxiv. Peb cov kev tshau txuj txog kev paub no yuav nug txog tias seb koj ho paub txog tej cai siv tswj kev tsheb zoo npaum li cas, kom thiaj pab kom koj tau txais kev nyab xeeb thaum siv tej kev tsheb.''

Expert driving instructors are especially trained to teach learner drivers in a stress-free environment, L Trent's Frank Tumino says. Source: Getty / Getty Images
Lub caij uas koj tseem siv Ls, koj yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo xyuas kom:
- Yuav tsum xyuas kom muaj ib tug neeg muaj full license zaum ntawm kom ib sab thiab ua tus saib xyuas koj thaum koj tseem nyog hauv lub tsheb.
- Koj yuav tsum tau lo daim ‘L’ plate rau sab nraum koj lub tsheb.
- Tsis pub hau cawv los yog tsis pub siv yaj yeeb ua ntej koj yuav tsav tsheb.
- Koj yuav tsum tau tsav tsheb ceev raws li pub koj tsav tau xwb.
- Txwv tsis pub koj siv xov tooj ntawm tes.

Tej txiaj ntsim thiab lub luag hauj lwm yuav tau ua thaum koj hnoob nyoog nto 18 xyoo
Mus xeem kom tau cov ntawv tsav tsheb uas txawj tsav dua (Provisional/Probationary License):
Tej neeg uas nyuam qhuav xyaum kawm tsav tsheb yuav tsum tau siv tus Ls no ib ntus, tsuas nyob ntawm seb lawv ho muaj hnoob nyoog li cas lawm xwb. Ua ntej lawv muaj peev xwm tsav tau tsheb tib leeg, ces lawv yuav tsum tau mus xeem kom tau daim ntawv tsav tsheb ‘Provisional’ los yog ‘Probationary’ license, uas sawv daws paub tias yog ‘Ps’ - (P liab thiab P ntsuab).
Frank Tumino, uas yog ib tug neeg qhia neeg tsav tsheb ntawm lub tuam txhab L Trent, uas yog Australia lub teej kawm qhia neeg kawm tsav tsheb, xav kom nrhiav kev pab cuam los ntawm tej neeg paub tej hauj lwm no, thiab nrhiav kev pab cuam ntawm yus tsev neeg thiab yus tej phooj ywg, coj los pab yus (tej neeg pib xyaum kawm tsav tsheb) kom thiaj li xeem tau.
''Koj muaj peev xwm yuav ib co sob kawm qhia tsav tsheb thiab ua tib zoo xyuas kom tus neeg qhia tsav thseb ntawd pab qhia qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau koj kom thiaj muaj tej txuj ci tiag taw - li kawm tau tej tswv yim tsav tsheb kom yog thiab mam li kawm lwm yam pab ntxiv rau.''

The Australian graduated licensing scheme ensures novice drivers slowly build up their driving and road safety skills before they are fully licensed. Source: Getty
Hloov ntawv tsav tsheb rau tej neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw
Tej neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw uas muaj ntawv tsav tsheb txawv teb chaws siv ces yuav tsum tau hloov lawv cov ntawv tsav tsheb los siv Australia daim ntawv tsav tsheb thiaj tsav tau tsheb raug cai.
Louise Higgins Whitton hais tias muaj ntau yam yuav ua rau yuav tau ua raws cov txheej txheem sib txawv thiab.
Nws hais tias “Tej kauj ruaj uas koj yuav tau ua ntawd tsuas nyob rau ntawm tias seb koj ho tuaj ntawm lub teb chaws twg tuaj xwb, thiab koj ho tau daim koj daim ntawv tsav tsheb qhov twg, los yog ho siv tau ntev npapum li cas lawm, thiab ho muaj cov licensing system zoo li cas siv ntawm lub teb chaws koj tuaj ntawd."
Yog koj tuaj ntawm ib lub teb chaws uas siv cov licensing system uas txawv, ces koj yuav tau mus xeem ntxiv, thiab cov kev xeem ntawd kuj sib txawv tsuas nyob ntawm seb koj ho tuaj ntawm lub teb chaws twg tuaj, thiab koj ho xav thov hom ntwv tsav tsheb twg siv xwb.Louise Higgins Whitton, NSW Transport
Tej zaum yog tias yog koj muaj ib daim ntawv tsav tsheb txawv teb chaws uas tseem siv tau thiab koj xav hloov los siv Australia daim ntawv tsav tsheb, ces koj tsuas muaj cib fim tib zaug nkau xwb mus xeem tsav tsheb kom tau. Yog koj xeem tsis tau ces koj tsuas tau daim ntawv tsav tsheb L license xwb.
Mr Tumino hais tias yuav tsum tau los ua tib zoo qhia tej neeg uas paub tsav tsheb ntawm lwm lub teb chaws kom thiaj li mus xeem tau.
“Peb yeej muaj ib co sob kawm txawv txog ntau yam cai tswj cov kev siv kev tsheb coj los qhia rau tej neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw. Thiab yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo xyuas kom hloov tau lawv tej cwj pwm tsav tsheb txawv teb chaws. Vim peb tsav tsheb sab laug ntawm teb chaws no ces thiaj yog tej yam nyuaj heev rau lawv."

Migrants from countries with similar licensing systems to Australia can easily convert their driving permits. Those who hold overseas licenses from less regulated countries may need to undergo further examinations. Credit: Deepak Sethi/Getty Images
Ua ntej koj yuav tau full license lawm, ces tej zaum koj tseem yuav tau mus xeem cov harzards perceptions test, uas yog ib co lus nug los txheeb tias seb koj ho puas paub txog tias tej xwm txheej zoo li cas yuav ua rau muaj teeb meem rau koj.
Txawm tias thauj koj tau daim ntawv tsav tsheb full license thiab yuav tsis muaj qee cov kev txwv koj lawm, los koj yeej tseem yuav tsum tau ua raws li tej cai tswj cov kev siv kev tsheb thiab.
Yog tias koj tseem yuam tej cai no thiab ces tej zaum koj yuav raug nplua hnyav heev, yuav ua rau nom tswv tsis pub ntawv tsav tsheb rau koj siv ib ntus, los sis yog yuav tsis pub ntawv tsav tsheb rau koj siv li lawm los kuj tau thiab.
Mr Tumino thiab ceeb toom tias “Peb yog lub teb chaws muaj cai tswj nruj heev. Thiab yeej muaj cov kev nplua cov kev tsav tsheb ceev hnyav heev thiab, los yog nplua tej neeg uas qaug yeeb qaug tshuaj qaug dej qaug cawv uas tseem tsav tsheb thiab.”

Police in Australia conduct frequent roadside breath tests to ensure drivers are not intoxicated. Heavy fines apply for those who flaunt road rules. Credit: wikimedia commons
Tsim ib co program kawm tsav tsheb tsi ntsees los qhia tej neeg thoj nam thiab neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw
Yeej muaj ntau cov zej zog thiab tej koom haum pab tej neeg pib lub neej tshiab muaj cov sob kawm pheej pub dawb los yog cov sob kawm pheej yig uas tsim tsi ntsees coj los qhia rau tej neeg thoj nam thiab neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw.
Lub koom haum Great Lakes Agency for Peace and Development (GLAPD) kuj yog ib lub koom haum ntawm tej zejzog uas tsim ib co program los pab rau tej neeg coj ntseeg ntau yam kab lis kev cai thiab hais ntau hom lus uas nyuam qhuav pib xyaum kawm tsav tsheb.
Emmanuel Musoni uas yog GLAPD tus coj hais tias lawv tau pib tsim cov program no coj los pab tej neeg uas nyuam qhuav kawm tsav tsheb tshiab kom xeem tau lawv cov kev tsav tsheb, tom qab uas lawv paub tias muaj tej leej niam neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw tshiab coob tus los yog tej leej niam neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw uas yog tib tug niam tsev ntawd yuav tau tos lwm tus pab thauj lawv mus rau ib qho qhov twg xwb. Ces lub koom haum no thiaj li yuav tau nrhiav tej neeg qhia lwm tus tsav tsheb kom yog tib co neeg zejzog li tej poj niam ntawd kom thiaj li qhia tau lawv zoo tshaj plaws.
Nws hais tias ''Muaj ib txhia ces yeej tsis paub li hais tias xyov yuav tua lub kaub tsav tsheb li cas li. Ces tus neeg tsav tsheb thiaj yuav tau qhia tus neeg ntawd pib txij qhov ntawd mus txog rau thaum uas tus neeg ntawd mus xeem tau ntawv tsav tsheb."

Being a fully licensed driver offers independence and opens up job prospects. Credit: Narong Jongsirikul / EyeEm/Getty Images/EyeEm
Ms Nyantabara los yeej ib txwm tsis tau tsav tsheb dua ntawm nws lub teb chaws Congo li. Nsw thiaj tau txiav txim siab mus kawm tsav tsheb, vim cov kev siv public transport mus ua hauj lwm thiab mus muag ib yam dab tsi mas siv caij nyoog heev. Thiab nws los tseem muaj me nyuam yaus thiab ces yuav tau nqa laub thauj me nyuam thiab ces thiaj nyuaj heev rau nws.
Txawm tias nws yeej tau mus kawm tej sob kawm nrog tej kws qhia lwm tus tsav tsheb thiab tau kom nws tej phooj ywg pab qhia nws tsav tsheb los, nws yeej tseem mus xeem poob ob zaug thiab - txog rau thaum uas nws tau mus kawm cov sob kawm tsav tsheg nrog lub koom haum GLAPD ces nws thiaj xeem tau ntawv tsav tsheb lawm xwb.
Nws thiaj hais tias tos nws xeem tau los vim tus neeg qhia nws yog tib cov neeg coj ntseeg kab lis kev cai tib yam li nws, ces thiaj pab kom nws ntseeg nws tus kheej.
''Kuv totaub zoo txog tej nws hais ntau tuaj ntxiv. Nqe ob ces... nws yeej yog ib tug neeg txawj qhia heev."
Nws hais tias cov kev xeem tau nws daim ntawv tsav tsheb siv tau ua rau muaj kev pauv hloov rau nws thiab nws tus tub lub neej lawm.
Tam sim no ces kuv xav mus qhov twg los mus tau lawm... Yav tag los mas nyuaj heev, tab sis tam sim no ces kuv muaj kuv lub tsheb lawm. Kuv mus ua hauj lwm thiab coj kuv tus tub mus ib qho qhov twg los yooj yim heev lawm. Pab kom yus ua tau lub neej yooj yim lawm, hais tsi ntsees rau ib tug poj niam muaj me nyuam.
Ms Nyantabara thiaj xav txhawb nqa koj lwm tus poj niam tsis txhob ntshai mus kawm tsav tsheb, vim tej txiaj ntsim yuav tau txais ntwd yuav hloov tau yus lub neej.
''Kuj yog tej yam txaus ntshai kaw thiab, tab sis yog thaum yus xeem tau lawm ces, uas rau yus tsis nco qab txog tej uas tau tshwm sim ntawd lawm, vim rau qhov tau hloov yus lub neej lawm."