Yuav ntaus kev phooj ywg nrog cov neeg Aboriginal thiab Torres Strait Islander li cas?

The Injinoo Dance Group rehearse before performing during a welcome to country ceremony for Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on the Injinoo Foreshore, Bamaga, Northern Peninsula- Tracey Nearmy - AAP

Pawg Injinoo Dance Group xyaum seev cev ua ntej yuav tos txais Australia tus Prime Minister Tony Abbott ntawm Injinoo Foreshore -Tracey Nearmy Source: AAP

Koj puas tau ntsib, tau nrog tham los yog tsim kev phooj ywg nrog Australia cov neeg keeb cag neeg Aboriginal thiab Torres Strait Islander? Ntsuab Pov Tsab muaj lub tawm tswv yim qhia txog tej nws tau ua los tias ua li cas nws thiaj tsim tau kev phooj ywg zoo nrog Australia cov neeg txum tim.

Ntsuab Pov Tsab yog ib tug txiv neej Hmoob nyob ntawm lub zos Cairns dhau los thiab nws kuj tau qhib ib lub chaw kho tsheb.

Nws tau qhia tias qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ces yuav tsum muaj kev cam hwm Australia tej neeg Aboriginal thiab Torres Strait Islander tej kev ua lub neej thiab lawv tej kev cai, hwm lawv tej chaw teev hawm tseem ceeb li tej chaw  ua kev cai dab qhuas, tej chaw zais tej laus uas txwv tsis pub neeg mus phov, mus qw los yog txov thaj chaw ntawd. 

Kim Tsab hais tias nws tau paub cov neeg Aboriginal thiab Torres Strait Islander los ntawm lawv tej me nyuam kawm ntawv ua ke nrog nws tej, thiab cov neeg Aborigine uas tuaj kho tsheb ntawm nws.

Vim cov kev pheej tau sib ntsib los ntawm tej xwm txheej li hais no, thiaj tau ua rau muaj kev sib tham thiab sib swm thiab sib nug moo mus siab saib saib xyuas tej neeg no ntawm lawv zos ces thiaj tau ras los ua phooj ywg lawm.

Yog thaum tham txog Mr Tsab tias cov neeg Aboriginal ho xav li cas rau lwm cov neeg Australia xwb, nqe no ces nws hais tias lawv yeej tsis tshua tham txog lwm haiv neeg pes tsawg. 

"Australia tej keeb cag neeg yeej hais tias ' nej thiab peb ces yeej yog neeg zoo tib  yam xwb, tsuas yog peb cov tawv nqaij txawv xim xwb," raws li Mr Tsab tau qhia thaum tam txog tias Australia cov neeg txum tim ho xav li cas rau lwm cov neeg zejzog ntawm teb chaws Australia.

 rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) thaum 6 pm AEDT thiab hnub zwj Hnub  (Sunday) thaum 11 am AEDT los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm ,, thiab  los yog download  kom koj mloog tau SBS Hmong. 
