Creating business opportunity within community

Shadi Nagib with his young family while serving as a security officer at the Tembang Nusantara event at Collingwood Town Hall, 19 Aug 2023.

Shadi Nagib with his young family while serving as a security officer at the Tembang Nusantara event at Collingwood Town Hall, 19 Aug 2023.

Shady Nagib managed to turn his second job into his own business by taping the opportunity presented within the community. How did he do it?

Shadi Nagib has two toddlers and works for Australia Post. He and his wife are waiting for the birth of their third child. To support his growing family, Shadi, who has an entrepreneurial spirit, saw an opportunity in the security sector. He recruited several friends and set up his own business, as he explained to SBS Indonesian.  
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Small Businesses' Response to Government Budget

SBS Indonesian


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