Why is an organization needed for LPDP awardee students?


Foto anggota organisasi LPDP Monash Source: Supplied / Muhammad Syihab As'ad

Starting from the needs of LPDP scholarship recipients, special organizations for LPDP awardees were established at several universities in Melbourne.

Dilail Abimanyu had the opportunity to speak with the chairman of LPDP Monash, Muhammad Syihab As'ad.

The formation of a special LPDP student organization began with three students who received scholarships from the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) from the Indonesian government.

They received scholarships to study at three universities in Melbourne, the University of Melbourne, Monash University, and RMIT University.

It grew from three people to dozens. Finally, they formed a "Kelurahan" to accommodate all LPDP students in Victoria, based on their campus.

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