The Birds from The Blossoms: The self and the environment

Jumaadi working on one of his work of art for The Birds from The Blossoms exhibition - 11 Februari – 08 Mar 2025 at King Street Gallery on William, Sydney. Image courtesy: Jumaadi.

Jumaadi working on one of his work of art for The Birds from The Blossoms exhibition - 11 Februari – 08 Mar 2025 at King Street Gallery on William, Sydney. Image courtesy: Jumaadi.

The Birds from the Blossoms exhibition by an Indonesian born artist, Jumaadi shows the close relationship between the artist, his chosen media and various workplaces.

In his interview with SBS Indonesian Jumaadi revealed his creative processes and his dependency in his various working studios in Australia and Indonesia. His interaction with his work environment and people around him giving layers of emotion that enable him to execute ideas and thoughts in his mind. He explained the metaphor of birds from the blossoms.  For him, the equivalent of alienation or loneliness, meeting and parting, are narratives that come into being.  

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