L’evento comprendeva un omaggio all’artista Gunditjamara e Bundjalung Archie Roach, una settimana dopo la sua morte all’età di 66 anni nel Victoria.
I National Indigenous Music Awards si sono finalmente svolti con uno spettacolo dal vivo per la prima volta dal 2019.
I Red Flag Dancers hanno infiammato il palcoscenico con le loro movenze potenti.
upsot of performance, fader under VO
Svoltosi a Garramilla, Darwin, il festival comprendeva omaggi a Uncle Archie Roach, che è mancato a 66 anni dopo una lunga battaglia contro la malattia.
E durante le premiazioni, la leggenda della musica Dr G Yunupingu, che morì nel 2017, è stato introdotto nella Hall of Fame.
Con i discorsi di accettazione dei premi pronunciati nelle lingue native...
upsot from singer's speech: "Alright ahh first of all I'd like to say in my first language"
a messaggi per la comunità condivisi attraverso le canzoni.
"Don't stay at home, it's not that cool, come on everybody come to school...applause"
L’evento è stato una celebrazione della cultura delle First Nations.
La rock band King Stingray ha vinto il premio Canzone dell’Anno con Milkumana.
E il celebre rapper Baker Boy ha vinto sia il premio come Miglior Artista che quello per Album dell’Anno.
"Yeah wow I'm just really super honoured and privileged to be the artist of the year, to receive this award it's just amazing."
Una nuova generazione di talenti sotto i riflettori, mentre la comunità ricorda gli artisti del passato e la loro eredità.
The event included a tribute to Gunditjamara and Bundjalung artist Archie Roach, just a week after his death at the age of 66 in Victoria.
The National Indigenous Music Awards have finally gone ahead as a live show for the first time since 2019.
The red flag dancers set the stage alight with their powerful moves
upsot of performance, fader under VO
Held in Garramilla, Darwin, the awards included tributes for Uncle Archie Roach who died aged 66 after a long battle with illness .
And music legend Dr G Yunupingu who died in 2017 was inducted into the Hall of Fame at the awards event.
With winning acceptance speeches delivered in native languages....
upsot from singer's speech: "Alright ahh first of all I'd like to say in my first language"
to community message shared through song
"Don't stay at home, it's not that cool, come on everybody come to school...applause "
The event was a celebration of First Nations culture.
Rock band King Stingray scored song of the year for Milkumana.
And popular rapper Baker Boy won both artist and album of the year at the awards.
"Yeah wow I'm just really super honoured and privileged to be the artist of the year, to receive this award it's just amazing."
A new generation of talent in the spotlight as the community remembers past performers and their legacies.
Report by Cassandra Bain and Stephanie Corsetti
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