Ep.321: SBS Italian News Bulletin


Combattenti di Hezbollah in parata. Source: AP

SBS Italian's News bulletin, read slowly.


** Un uomo in tribunale per un presunto allarme bomba a Melbourne 

** Il capo di Hezbollah in Libano minaccia Cipro in un discorso televisivo 



Un uomo dovrà presentarsi oggi in tribunale per un presunto allarme bomba che ha fatto chiudere parti del CBD di Melbourne mercoledì pomeriggio. 

Il 33enne è stato accusato di una serie di reati, tra cui il possesso di sostanze e ordigni esplosivi, la realizzazione di un falso allarme bomba, traffico di droga, possesso di armi e di proventi di reato e furto d'auto. 

La polizia sostiene di aver trovato presunti ordigni esplosivi e armi in un raid in una casa di Geelong dopo l'allarme bomba, che secondo loro non era legato al terrorismo. 

Questa donna racconta che la presunta bufala ha provocato un breve lockdown. 

"Getting ready to go to lunch, and next thing we know there's a message in our work channel saying 'no-one leaves the building, apparently there's a potential bomb threat.' Yeah, we were there for about half an hour, and no-one was allowed to leave." 


Un uomo è morto in un presunto incidente stradale nella periferia occidentale di Sydney. 

Secondo le prime informazioni, il ventisettenne, che indossava indumenti ad alta visibilità, è stato colpito da uno ute su Jersey Road a Blackett poco prima delle 9 di questa mattina. 

L'uomo è morto sul posto. 

La polizia del New South Wales ha allestito una scena del crimine e sta cercando il conducente coinvolto nel presunto incidente. 


Il capo di Hezbollah ha minacciato Israele e Cipro in un discorso televisivo alla nazione libanese, il giorno dopo un incontro con un inviato degli Stati Uniti nel tentativo di allentare le tensioni. 

Hezbollah ha trascorso gli ultimi otto mesi scontrandosi con Israele in parallelo alla guerra di Gaza. 

Il capo di Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, ha dichiarato nel suo discorso che nessun luogo sarebbe stato al sicuro dai "nostri missili e droni" se Israele avesse intensificato il conflitto nella regione. 

Ha anche citato Cipro, accusandola di aver permesso a Israele di utilizzare i suoi aeroporti e le sue basi per le esercitazioni militari. 

ARABIC THEN ENGLISH VO: "The Cypriot government must be warned that opening Cypriot airports and bases for the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon means that the Cypriot government has become part of the war and the resistance (Hezbollah) will deal with it as part of the war." 


** A man in court over an alleged bomb threat hoax in Melbourne 

** The head of Hezbollah in Lebanon threatens Cyprus in a televised address

A man will face court today over an alleged bomb threat that shut down parts of the Melbourne CBD on Wednesday afternoon. 

The 33-year-old has been charged with a series of offences, including possessing explosive substances and devices, making a bomb hoax, drug trafficking, possessing weapons and proceeds of crime, and car theft. 

Police allege they found suspected explosive devices and weapons in a raid on a Geelong home after the bomb threat, which they say was not terror-related. 

This woman says the alleged hoax prompted a brief lockdown. 

"Getting ready to go to lunch, and next thing we know there's a message in our work channel saying 'no-one leaves the building, apparently there's a potential bomb threat.' Yeah, we were there for about half an hour, and no-one was allowed to leave." 


A man has died in an alleged road rage incident in Sydney's western suburbs. 

Initial reports suggest the 27-year-old man, who was wearing high-vis clothing, was struck by a ute on Jersey Road in Blackett just before 9am this morning. 

He died at the scene. 

New South Wales Police have established a crime scene and are searching for the driver involved in the alleged incident. 


The head of Hezbollah has threatened Israel and Cyprus in a televised address to the nation of Lebanon, a day after a top US envoy met officials in an attempt to ease tensions. 

Hezbollah has spent the past eight months trading fire with Israel in parallel with the Gaza war. 

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said in his address that nowhere would be safe from "our missiles and drones" if Israel escalated the conflict in the region. 

He has also singled out Cyprus, saying it had been allowing Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises. 

ARABIC THEN ENGLISH VO: "The Cypriot government must be warned that opening Cypriot airports and bases for the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon means that the Cypriot government has become part of the war and the resistance (Hezbollah) will deal with it as part of the war." 

Report by SBS News

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