Italian colonialism on stage

Courtesy of Ilaria Scarpa

"Acqua di colonia", lo spettacolo teatrale della compagnia Frosini Timpano. Source: Courtesy of Ilaria Scarpa

"Acqua di colonia" is a show by the theatre company Frosini Timpano, created in collaboration with the Italian writer of Somali origins Igiaba Scego, that thanks to the lockdown we have also been able to see in Australia.

The Italian Cultural Institute of Melbourne has launched , the first review dedicated to Contemporary Italian Theatre started on the 4th of May and that will offer a series of shows which you can attend online and for free. The review has been inspired by the  Frosini-Timpano Theatrical Company.

From Monday the 4th of May, the show has been available on YouTube.

We talked about the show and the initiative with Elvira Frosini e Daniele Timpano, founders of Frosini-Timpano Theatrical Company.
