Finding the joy of Japanese calligraphy again in Australia

Tomoko Oka calligraphy

Source: Tomoko

Japanese-born calligrapher, Tomoko, has found the beauty and the joy of Japanese calligraphy again in Australia.

Tomoko Oka calligraphy
Tomoko performing calligraphy demonstration Source: Tomoko
When she was a kid, she loved drawing Japanese characters so much that she begged her parents to let her take calligraphy lessons. 

Tomoko has been away from calligraphy during her early adulthood.  But in 2007, when Tomoko was working as an assistant Japanese teacher in Melbourne, she demonstrated Japanese calligraphy as a part of a Japanese class.
Tomoko Oka calligraphy
Calligraphy artwork by Tomoko Source: Tomoko
Tomoko now creates artworks and performs demonstrations as a calligrapher.  She is holding her exhibition this month at a winery called in the Upper Hunter in New South Wales (NSW).  Tomoko now resides in the Central Coast in NSW.

In the interview, Tomoko tells us how she started taking calligraphy class and became a professional calligrapher in Australia.
Tomoko Oka Calligraphy
Source: Tomoko
