Melbourne-based pilot Mr. William Liao on what life as a pilot is like

Credit: Raku Shimokawa

Credit: William Liao

Mr. Liao was born in Taiwan and grew up in Brisbane. Now he travels across the globe as a cargo pilot.

In this interview, he shares with us how he became so fluent in Japanese, what made him pursue his career as a pilot and any tips on how to survive long-haul flights.

Listen to the full story on our podcast.

We all love admiring scenery from high up in the sky. Here are some of the sights observed from the cockpit.

Aircraft about to touchdown at Narita Airport. Credit: William Liao

Mt. Fuji
Mt. Fuji observed from the cockpit after a take-off from Narita Airport. Credit: William Liao

Northern Lights
Northern Lights observed during a flight. Credit: William Liao

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