
11月21日に開幕する FIFA ワールドカップ 2022ᵀᴹ カタール大会。SBSでは全64試合を無料で生中継します。

Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal, Australia's Aaron Mooy, Lionel Messi of Argentina and France forward Kylian Mbappe

Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal, Australia's Aaron Mooy, Lionel Messi of Argentina and France forward Kylian Mbappe will all be in action at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

SBSとでは、FIFA ワールドカップ 2022ᵀᴹの全試合を無料生中継!

2022年11月21日に開幕するFIFA ワールドカップ 2022ᵀᴹは、オーストラリアのSBSで無料放送されます。

カタールの全64試合をライブで無料放送するほか、SBS VICELANDでも8試合を生中継します。

FIFA ワールドカップ2022ᵀᴹ スケジュール

  • グループステージ: 11月21日~12月3日
  • ラウンド16: 12月4日~12月7日
  • 準々決勝: 12月10日~12月11日
  • 準決勝: 12月14日~12月15日
  • 3位決定戦: 12月18日
  • 決勝: 12月19日
The 2022 FIFA World Cup will take place in Qatar
The 2022 FIFA World Cup will take place in Qatar Source: Getty / Getty Images
SBSでは全64試合、SBS VICELANDではそのうちの8試合を無料放送。大会期間中は2つのチャンネルで合計500時間のFIFAワールドカップ・コンテンツをお楽しみいただけます。

生中継の他に、ワールドカップのデイリーコンテント『World Cup Daily Show』、プレビュー『FIFA TV Preview Show』、ワールドカップの名勝負やカタール大会のリプレイなどもお届けします。


『World Cup Daily Show』と『FIFA TV Preview Show』

『World Cup Daily』では、その日に開催された試合をキャッチアップすることができます。


『World Cup Daily』は毎晩5時半(AEDT)からSBSで放送され、『FIFA TV Preview Show』へと続きます。またSBS On Demandからは、好きなときに視聴できるVOD(ビデオオンデマンド)をデジタル初の試みとして提供されます。

FIFA ワールドカップ名勝負

SBS On Demandでは、1986年から2018年までのを特集し、ワールドカップ期間中は、SBSとSBS VICELANDでもこれら"クラシックマッチ"が放送されます。

SBS On Demandで見るFIFA ワールドカップ 2022ᵀᴹ

を作成し、好きなときに、お気に入りのデバイスで、FIFA ワールドカップ 2022ᴹの全64試合を無料でライブストリーミングしましょう。


またSBS On Demandのワールドカップハブでは、英語とアラビア語でカタールでの試合がライブストリームされるほか、フルリプレイ、25分のミニマッチ、10分のハイライト、全試合の3分ハイライトなどを視聴することができます。

さらにリニューアルされたばかりのSBS Sportsウェブサイトでは、カタール2022の最新ハイライト、インタビュー、映像、ニュース、特集記事、意見など、主要な話題のすべてをご覧いただくことができます。

World Cup 2022 mobile tvOS devices.png

SBS On Demand アカウント作成方法

  1. On Demand アプリ、または
  2. Log in / Sign Upを選択
  3. Create A New Accountを選択
  4. 名前、メールアドレス、性別、生年月日など、情報を入力
  5. Create Account を選択- 確認メールが送信されます
  6. SBSの様々なコンテンツカタログをご覧ください

Monday, November 21

Opening Ceremony + Group A - Qatar v Ecuador

2:00am - 5:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

2022 FIFA World Cup tournament preview

10:30pm - 11:30pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand 

Group B - England v Iran 

11:30pm - 2:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 00.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Tuesday, November 22

Group A - Senegal v Netherlands

2:30am - 5:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group B - USA v Wales

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT)- kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Group C - Argentina v Saudi Arabia 

8:30pm - 11:30pm (AEDT) - kickoff at 09.00pm

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group D - Denmark v Tunisia 

11:30pm - 2:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 00.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Wednesday, November 23

Group C - Mexico v Poland

2:30am - 5am (AEDT) - kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group D - France v Australia

5:00am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Group F - Morocco v Croatia

8:30pm - 11:30pm (AEDT) - kickoff at 09.00pm

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group E - Germany v Japan 

11:30pm - 2:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 00.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Thursday, November 24

Group E - Spain v Costa Rica 

2:30am - 5:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand 

Group F - Belgium v Canada

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Group G - Switzerland v Cameroon

8:30pm - 11:30pm (AEDT) - kickoff at 09.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group H - Uruguay v Korea Republic

11:30pm - 2:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 00.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Friday, November 25

Group H - Portugal v Ghana 

2:30am - 5:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group G - Brazil v Serbia 

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Group B - Wales v Iran

8:30pm - 11:30pm (AEDT) - kickoff at 09.00pm

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group A - Qatar v Senegal

11:30pm - 2:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 00.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Saturday, November 26

Group A - Netherlands v Ecuador 

2:30am - 5am (AEDT) - kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group B - England v USA

5.30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Group D - Tunisia v Australia

7:30pm - 11:30pm (AEDT) - kickoff at 09.00pm

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group C - Poland v Saudi Arabia 

11:30pm - 2:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 00.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Sunday, November 27

Group D - France v Denmark 

2:30am - 5:30am (AEDT)- kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group C - Argentina v Mexico

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT)- kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Group E - Japan v Costa Rica

8:30pm - 11:30pm (AEDT) - kickoff at 09.00pm

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group F - Belgium v Morocco 

11:30pm - 2:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 00.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Monday, November 28

Group F - Croatia v Canada 

2:30am - 5:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand 

Group E - Spain v Germany 

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Group G - Cameroon v Serbia

8:30pm - 11:30pm (AEDT) - kickoff at 09.00pm

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group H - Korea Republic v Ghana

11:30pm - 2:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 00.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Tuesday, November 29

Group G - Brazil v Switzerland 

2:30am - 5:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 03.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group H - Portugal v Uruguay

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Wednesday, November 30

Group A - Netherlands v Qatar

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group A - Ecuador v Senegal 

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am


Group B - Wales v England

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group B - Iran v USA

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am


World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Thursday, December 1

Group D - Australia v Denmark

1:00am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group D - Tunisia v France

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am


Group C - Poland v Argentina 

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group C - Saudi Arabia v Mexico

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am


World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Friday, December 2

Group F - Croatia v Belgium

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group F - Canada v Morocco 

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am


Group E - Japan v Spain 

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group E - Costa Rica v Germany

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am


World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Saturday, December 3

Group H - Korea Republic v Portugal 

1.30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group H - Ghana v Uruguay 

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am


Group G - Cameroon v Brazil

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Group G - Serbia v Switzerland 

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am


World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Sunday, December 4

Round of 16 - 1A v 2B

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Round of 16 - 1C v 2D

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Monday, December 5

Round of 16 - 1D v 2C

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Round of 16 - 1B v 2A

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Tuesday, December 6

Round of 16 - 1E v 2F

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Round of 16 - 1G v 2H

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Wednesday, December 7

Round of 16 - 1F v 2E

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Round of 16 - 1H v 2G

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Thursday, December 8

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Friday, December 9

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Saturday, December 10

Quarter-Final - 1E/2F v 1G/2H

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Quarter-Final - 1A/2B v 1C/2D

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Sunday, December 11

Quarter-Final - 1F/2E v 1H/2G

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Quarter-Final - 1B/2A v 1D/2C

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Monday, December 12

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Tuesday, December 13

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Wednesday, December 14

Semi-Final - QF2 v QF1

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Thursday, December 15

Semi-Final - QF4 v QF3

5:30am - 8:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 06.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Friday, December 16

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Saturday, December 17

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Sunday, December 18

Third-Place Play-off - Semi-Final Losers

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:00pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

FIFA Preview Show

6:00pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

On SBS and SBS On Demand

Monday, December 19

Final - Semi-Final Winners

1:30am - 4:30am (AEDT) - kickoff at 02.00am

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand 

World Cup Daily

5:30pm - 6:30pm (AEDT)

LIVE on SBS and SBS On Demand

Schedule / timings are TBC, check your local guides

SBS 日本語放送のもお忘れなく。

Published 9 November 2022 10:59am
By SBS Sport
Source: SBS / SBS Sport

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