Here are 9 reasons why you should get a regular health-check.
1. To evaluate your overall health
When you go to your check-up GPs may ask about your medical history, your family’s history of disease and your lifestyle. They can request a standard health check to include a blood, urine, vision, and hearing tests.

A stethoscope in the shape of a normal EKG graph Source: Getty Images
2. To get a diabetes test
280 Australian develops every day. That’s one person in every five minutes. A diabetes test measures your blood sugar level. A blood sugar level test is used to measures the level of glucose in your blood.

African woman using diabetes test kit Source: Getty Images
3. To check your cholesterol
says it’s important to manage your cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol test Source: Getty Images
4. To get a blood pressure screening
High blood pressure over a long time is one of the main risk factors for heart disease. It’s recommended that you get your blood pressure checked every six month. A reading under 120/80mmHg is considered optimal.

Source: AAP
5. To assess your BMI
Two-thirds of Australians are either overweight or obese. Doctors can assess your Body Mass Index which is the ratio of your weight to your height. gives you an idea of whether you're underweight, a healthy weight, overweight, or obese for your height.

Source: AAP
6. To check your heart activity
(ECG) is a simple medical test which measures the electrical activity that is generated by the heart, when the heart contracts. Your GP can request an ECG test to detect cardiac abnormalities.

Close-up of an ECG report Source: Getty Images
7. To get your immunisations and booster shots
It is estimated that vaccinations currently save up to three million lives worldwide each year. is a simple, safe and highly effective way of protecting children and adults from harmful diseases before they come into contact with them.

Source: David Cheskin/PA Wire
8. To check your skin
Thesays two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70, with more than 750,000 people treated for one or more non-melanoma skin cancers in Australia each year. GPs examine your skin for unusual moles and rashes which could be skin cancer.

Dermatologist examining patient for signs of skin cancer Source: Getty Images
9. To check your mental health
says three million Australians are living with depression or anxiety. are the best starting point for someone seeking professional help.

Source: Public Domain