'Armed police were just waiting for people to do something'


Credit: Jamal Ismaili in Urmia eastern Kurdistan (Iran)

Jamal Esmaili has been living in Australia for nearly 30 years, and a few weeks ago he visited Eastern Kurdistan (Iran). While there, Jina (Mahsa) Amini lost her life while in police custody. Mr Esmaili returned to Australia a few days ago, he speaks to us about what he witnessed while being there.

Protests are taking place in Iran and in many countries around the world condemning the death of a young Kurdish girl who died in regime custody for not wearing her hijab correctly. Mahsa Amin’s death sparked the situation for people are fed up and displeased with the regime. Armed police are seen in many cities in Iran but mainly in Kurdish cities.

“You couldn’t avoid seeing armed police, they were everywhere. I was walking in the streets of Urmia, I came across them armed and ready to shoot if any small movement."

"People of Iran are unhappy with the regime and were looking for a reason to oppose the government. It was like a balloon ready to burst, and Jina Amini's brutal death burst the balloon”, Jamal Esmaili told SBS Kurdish."
