Yezidi genocide commemoration day

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Salam Qaro at the Yezidi commemoration day in Armidale, NSW Credit: Salam Qaro

Every year the Yezidi community gathers on 3 August to commemorate the Yezidi Genocide. Marking the ninth anniversary of atrocities committed by IS against the Yazidi community.

In August 2014, IS carried out a massive attack on Sinjar, once home to the largest Yazidi community in the world. Almost 5.000 Yazidis were captured, IS kidnapped thousands of Yazidi children and women, who subsequently were used as sex slaves and child soldiers. More than 2,000 of them are still missing.

The Yezidi community is commemorating the Black Day in Australia. Humanitarian worker Salam Qaro a member of the Yezidi community in Armidale says what IS has done to Yezidis will never be forgotten.

The United Kingdom has acknowledged that the IS group committed “acts of genocide” against the Yazidi people in 2014.
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Credit: Salam Qaro
