Sedemên baş ji bo çavdêriya yasayên rêyên meşe

Pedestrian crossing warning sign

Pedestrian safety is about using common sense, but we can’t rely on this alone. Source: Moment RF / Simon McGill/Getty Images

Her roj, kesên li seranserê Australya bêyî ku bizanibin qanûnê binpê dikin. Ev jî dibe sedema cezayan û hin carin jî qezayan. Bi naskirina hin qanûnên meşvanan e hevpar yên Australya ewle bimînin û ji cezayekî nediyar dûr bikevin.

country road with speed hump sign
In the absence of traffic lights, look for a designated ‘zebra crossing’ Source: iStockphoto / Veronica Todaro/Getty Images/iStockphoto
Crowd of people walking across zebra, top view
It’s an offence to walk without reasonable consideration of other road users. Credit: vm/Getty Images
Pedestrians cross a busy intersection in the city
Drivers must give way to pedestrians when entering or leaving a driveway, when using shared zones and at pedestrian crossings. Source: Moment RF / Diane Keough/Getty Images
Kid crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing and listening to music on his cellphone
Smart phones have bred a population of pedestrians who show disregard for traffic and the impending danger. Credit: Dobrila Vignjevic/Getty Images
