Li Australya çawa tiştên elektronîk û batarîyan vezîvirînî

Australia Explained - E-Waste Recycling

The term e-waste implies no value. But used e-products contain materials, such as metals, which can be reused if appropriately recycled. Source: Moment RF / Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images

Gelek tiştên malê yên hevpar e wekî têlefonên destan, televizyon, komputer, betarî, û amûrên din yên elektronîkî, tevî batariyên wan, materyalên hêja hene ku dikarin ji bo hilberên nû ji nû ve werin bikar anîn. Tiştên elektronîkî yên ku em êdî bikar naynin, wekî bermahiyê elektironîk (e-waste) têne hesibandin. Li seranserê Australya, bernameyên bi piştgirîya hukûmetê ku bi ewle û vezîvirandina e-waste belaş hêsan dike hene.

解「識」澳洲 - 電子垃圾回收
When batteries are compressed and crushed in waste collection trucks and facilities, they can spark fires putting lives and the environment at risk. Credit: PhotoAlto/Milena Boniek/Getty Images
Australia Explained - E-Waste Recycling
Did you know that e-scooters and bikes run with lithium-ion batteries? These, or in fact any battery, should never go in your household waste or recycling bins.  Credit: Solskin/Getty Images
Australia Explained - E-Waste Recycling
The Australian government runs a recycling program free to consumers for televisions and computers, including printers, computer parts and peripherals Source: Moment RF / Schon/Getty Images
Australia Explained - E-Waste Recycling
Recycled e-waste can get a new life, for example in road base and construction materials or new batteries, while valuable metals are recovered from dismantled devices. Credit: Mindful Media/Getty Images
