Ma zaroyê we li xwendegehê yan li ser înternetê tê ackizkirin?

Australia Explained - Bullying

Bullying typically targets those perceived to be different in some way, including looks, speech, background, religion, race, culture, and body size, says Dr Deborah Green of the University of South Australia. Credit: Maskot/Getty Images/Maskot

Pispor dibêjin danûstendina bi tevgerên zordar re qet ne hêsan e, lê dem hewce ye, ji ber ku ew zirar dikare bi salan bandorê li zarokan bike. Ji bo pêşkêşkirina piştgiriya zarokekî ku li xwendegehê yan ser înternêtê rastî tundûtûjiyê dibe, em bi pisporên perwerdehî, psîkolojî, û cyberbullying re diaxafin.

Australia Explained - Bullying
In recent research, Australian children reported that hurtful teasing was the most common bullying behaviour that they experienced, followed by having hurtful lies told about them. Credit: FatCamera/Getty Images

Australia Explained - Bullying
Cyberbullying may escalate to fake impersonating accounts, threats of violence and even sexually explicit content generated using AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies. Credit: fcafotodigital/Getty Images

Australia Explained - Bullying
School policies vary, but every school is expected to have bullying prevention strategies, reporting procedures, and provide support to affected students. Source: Moment RF / Natalia Lebedinskaia/Getty Images
