Elena Spasovska, PhD: We need to focus more on the domestic violence within the Macedonian community in Australia

Elena Spasovska PhD in Adelaide University

Elena Spasovska, PhD, in Adelaide Source: Elena Spasovska

Family and domestic violence in Australia is disturbingly present and is one of the leading causes for homelessness amongst the vulnerable women, men and children. Statistics show that one in 4 women (or 2.2 million women) have experienced partner violence, compared to one in 13 men, and in 2019-2020, 41% of all victims of violence became homeless.

Elena Spasovska, PhD, is a researcher, lecturer and advocate for gender equality with interest and expertise in the political and economic empowerment of women and the eradication of gender-based violence, among the other areas.

Spasovska was behind the organization of one online survey on the life of the Macedonian immigrant woman who lives abroad, with a section dedicated to domestic violence, in which almost 23% of respondents said they experienced domestic violence while still living in Macedonia, and 10% experienced abroad as well. Of those who experienced such violence in Macedonia, only 11% reported, while abroad that percentage is 17.

Elena arrived in Australia in 2013, for two reasons, educational and love. Since, she and her husband Michael have lived in Sydney and are currently in Adelaide, where Elena works as a lecturer and researcher at the University of South Australia.
