Foreign artists also take part in Kathmandu's Mithila Yain art gallery exhibiton

Mithila Yain Rapport 2

Shyam Sundar Yadav (far right), Executive Director of Mithila Yain art gallery in Kathmandu, Nepal conducted the "Rapport" art exhibition. Credit: Supplied

Artists from Nepal. India, Bangladesh, Israel and Australia conducted the "Rapport" art exhibition in Kathmandu's Mithila Yain art gallery in Janurary. Listen to our conversation with the gallery's executive director Shyam Sundar Yadav, who also took part in the program alongside Australian artist Ray Marsden.

This report is available in Nepali language:
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नेपाल: काठमान्डुको मिथिला येँ कला प्रदर्शनीमा अस्ट्रेलियाली कलाकारको पनि सहभागिता

SBS Nepali

