Is Sirohiya's citizenship crisis designed to dampen Kantipur's morale?

Police arrest Kailash Sirohiya (center) from the office of Kantipur Publications in Kathmandu, Nepal on Tuesday, 21 May 2024.

Police arrest Kailash Sirohiya (center) from the office of Kantipur Publications in Kathmandu, Nepal on Tuesday, 21 May 2024. Source: AP / Sujan Gurung/AP

Kailash Sirohiya, Chair of Kantipur Media Group in Nepal was arrested on Tuesday, 21 May following an investigation into allegations of citizenship-related offences. A few days before the media boss's arrest, journalist Krishna Prasad (KP) Dhungana spoke to SBS Nepali about his investigative approach to covering the issue since the complaint against Sirohiya was filed last month.

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