Nepal’s Social Media Bill: ‘Regulation’ or ‘control’?

Tara Nath Dahal is the former president of the Federation of Nepali Journalists.

Tara Nath Dahal is the former president of the Federation of Nepali Journalists. Credit: (L) SBS Nepali/Prayas Dulal, (R) Screenshot/Nepal Social Media Bill 2081

Social Media Bill in Nepal has sparked conversations since it was presented in the country’s National Assembly on Tuesday, 28 January 2025. While the government claims the bill aims to regulate social media, stakeholders have expressed concerns it may violate freedom of expression. Nepal correspondent Prayas Dulal recently spoke with Tara Nath Dulal, former president of the Federation of Nepali Journalists, about the details and implications of the bill.

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Nepal’s Social Media Bill: ‘Regulation’ or ‘control’?

