पूर्वी नेपालको बिराटनगरमा छठ पर्वको रौनक:

Chhath Puja is observed in Biratnagar, located in eastern Nepal. Source: SBS / Sameer Ghimire

Chhath Puja is observed in Biratnagar, located in eastern Nepal. Source: SBS / Sameer Ghimire

Chhath Puja is observed in Biratnagar, located in eastern Nepal. Source: SBS / Sameer Ghimire

Chhath Puja is observed in Biratnagar, located in eastern Nepal. Source: SBS / Sameer Ghimire
अस्ट्रेलियाको सिड्नीमा पनि छठ पूजा आयोजना गरिएको छ।
Chhath Puja is celebrated in Chipping Norton, southwestern region of Sydney. Source: SBS / Sweksha Karna
Chhath Puja is celebrated in Chipping Norton, southwestern region of Sydney. Source: SBS / Sweksha Karna

Chhath Puja is celebrated in Chipping Norton, the southwestern region of Sydney. Source: SBS / Sweksha Karna
Chhath Puja is celebrated in Chipping Norton, the southwestern region of Sydney. Source: SBS / Sweksha Karna
Devotees are seen participating in Chhath Puja in Chipping Norton, located in the southwestern region of Sydney. Source: SBS / Sweksha Karna