खानाका सौखिनहरूका लागि
Friends and family sitting outside together eating and drinking. Credit: SolStock/Getty Images
- टास्मेनिया
वाइनका पारखी
The Barossa is one of the world’s great wine-producing areas. Credit: Andrew Peacock/Getty Images
समुन्द्री तट: 'बीच'मा रमाउन
Bondi is one of Australia’s most iconic beaches. Credit: Wikipedia
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ताजगी र 'एड्भेन्चर'का लागि
On land or sea, there are many gateway options for you to help make unforgettable holiday memories. Credit: Rafael Ben-Ari/Getty Images
- (वेस्टर्न अस्ट्रेलिया)
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Gordon Dam in Tasmania's Franklin/Gordon wilderness. Source: Moment RF / Steve Daggar Photography/Getty Images
- (क्वीन्सल्यान्ड)
- (न्यु साउथ वेल्स)
अद्भूत 'रोड ट्रिप'
Aerial view of the Great Ocean Road and the Twelve Apostles near Melbourne. Source: Moment RF / Steven Han/Getty Images
- (भिक्टोरिया)
- (साउथ अस्ट्रेलिया)
The Nullarbor stretches across the southern edge of Australia between the goldfields of Western Australia and the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. Source: Moment RF / Robbie Goodall/Getty Images
अस्ट्रेलियाको इतिहास र संस्कृति बुझ्न
Ubirr is one of Kakadu National Park's two most famous Aboriginal rock art galleries. Credit: Steve McCarthy / 500px/Getty Images/500px
- (टास्मेनिया)
- (नदर्न टेरिट्री)
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'क्याम्पिङ'का लागि
Children sitting with Grandparents eating breakfast beside tents at a camp site. Credit: Jodie Griggs/Getty Images
- , , (न्यु साउथ वेल्स)
- , (भिक्टोरिया)
- (क्वीन्सल्यान्ड)
A sea kayaker paddles around sea cliffs on Schouten Island, Freycinet National Park, Tasmania, Australia. Credit: James McCormack/Getty Images/Cavan Images RF
- (नदर्न टेरिट्री)
- (टास्मेनिया)
- (साउथ अस्ट्रेलिया)
- (क्यान्बरा)
'ग्लाम्पिङ'का लागि
Glamorous camping or glamping is a style of camping with amenities and, in some cases, resort-style services. Credit: Nick Rains/Getty Images
- (क्वीन्सल्यान्ड)
- (नदर्न टेरिट्री)
- (वेस्टर्न अस्ट्रेलिया)
Glamping has become particularly popular with 21st-century tourists seeking modern amenities. Credit: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images
- ( साउथ अस्ट्रेलिया)
- , , (न्यु साउथ वेल्स)
- (भिक्टोरिया)
What is your plan for this holiday season? Credit: SolStock/Getty Images
सम्बन्धित सामाग्री
'ग्रेट ब्यारिअर रिफ' तत्कालका लागि 'खतरामा रहेका' सम्पदाको सुचीमा नपर्ने