Podcast Series


Transitioning in Translation

Gender transition can be a difficult road to navigate, but imagine starting the process in a country where you don't speak the language very well, or don't know the health system. And even if you do, you still have to translate your feelings to your family and friends. Hear the stories of Brazilians Jakob and Wendlle and their experiences with gender transitioning in Australia, also a special episode with psychologist and specialist in gender transitioning, Patricia Martins. Listen in English or Portuguese.

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  • 'No regrets': Wendlley and Jakob's transitioning journey update

    Published: 12/12/2024Duration: 14:59

  • Our bodies don’t define us: Jakob begun transitioning as a teen with his family's support

    Published: 14/04/2022Duration: 11:41

  • 'Nossos corpos não nos definem': Jakob iniciou transição de gênero na Austrália aos 12 anos

    Published: 14/04/2022Duration: 13:57

  • Psicóloga brasileira auxilia crianças e adolescentes em transição de gênero na Austrália

    Published: 07/04/2022Duration: 14:37

  • Giving minorities a voice: A psychologist's push to talk openly about gender identity

    Published: 07/04/2022Duration: 16:12

  • Brasileira compartilha sua experiência de transição de gênero na Austrália

    Published: 31/03/2022Duration: 15:16

  • A double journey: Brazilian shares her experience gender transitioning in Australia

    Published: 31/03/2022Duration: 12:44

  • Transitioning in Translation

    Published: 23/03/2022Duration: 02:39

  • Traduzindo a transição

    Published: 23/03/2022Duration: 02:42
