Canada is planning to welcome nearly one million immigrants by 2020 according to the multi-year strategy tabled by the Liberal government. According to CBC, it has been labelled “the most ambitious immigration levels in recent history”.
According to this plan, the number of economic migrants, family reunifications and refugees will go up to 310,000 in 2018 which is an increase from 300,000 this year. This number is expected to rise to 330,000 in 2019 and then 340,000 in 2020.
Immigration Minister of Canada Ahmed Hussen said the new targets will bring Canada's immigration to nearly one per cent of the population by 2020, which will help offset an aging demographic. He called it a historic and responsible plan and "the most ambitious" in recent history.

Source: Getty Images/janetteasche
The targets for economic migrants, refugees and family members were tabled in the House of Commons Wednesday afternoon.
"Our government believes that newcomers play a vital role in our society," Hussen said. "Five million Canadians are set to retire by 2035 and we have fewer people working to support seniors and retirees."
Hussen said that contrary to the claims that newcomers drain Canada’s resources and become a burden on society, immigration drives innovation and strengthens the economy.
He said the government is also working to reduce backlogs and speed up the processing of applications in order to reunite families and speed up citizenship applications.

View of a mountain reflection in Canada Source: Moment RF

Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen Source: CBC

Gorgeous blue hour with caramel clouds reflecting last sunset light in Toronto downtown with bokeh though the tilt-shift vision. Source: Moment RF
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