Indians are among the migrant groups that are most likely to offend in Victoria, the latest from the Crime Statistical Agency has revealed.
With the unique offender population of 1,155 in Victoria for the year ending September 2017, India-born migrants represented 1.4 per cent of the total offender population of the state.
According to the CSA data, the vast majority of the offenders in Victoria were Australian-born, accounting for over 71 per cent of the total offender population, followed by New Zealand-born (1,826) 2.2 per cent and in third place are those born in India.
While the population of Australian-born alleged offenders recorded a decline of 1 per cent over the previous year, and the population of those born in New Zealand dipped by 0.1 per cent, Indian-born offenders’ population grew by 0.1 per cent.
In more serious offences such as homicide and related offences in 2016, Australian-born alleged offenders were the largest cohort at 67 per cent followed by Indians (3.3 per cent), Chinese (2.2 per cent) and New Zealand (2.2 per cent).
In cases of alleged rapes or indecent assaults, 71 per cent of offenders were Australian-born. 2.5 per cent of alleged offenders in rape and indecent assault cases were Indian-born, followed by the UK and Ireland (2.5 per cent) and New Zealand (1.5 per cent).
The CSA has clarified that the figures attributed to its evidence given in the parliamentary report ‘No one teaches you to become an Australian’ which pegged the population of alleged offenders born in Sudan at 1.5 per cent was not correct.
The agency said the correct number of the Sudanese-born alleged offenders in Victoria was 846, which account for 1 per cent of the total offender population of the state.
The total population of the Sudanese-born migrants in Victoria is 8415, according to the 2016 census. Of Victoria’s total population of 5,926,620 residents, 3,845,493 were born in Australia and 169,802 in India. In terms of percentage of the Indian-born alleged offenders, their number represents 0.68 per cent of the total Indian-born migrants in Victoria.
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