This Thursday, September 13, will be marked as RU OK Day? around Australia.
According to , the overall suicide rate in 2015 was 12.6 per 100,000 in Australia. This is the highest rate in 10-plus years.
Men are at a greater risk because in Australia, deaths by suicide occur among males at a rate three times greater than that for females. However, during the past decade, there has been an increase in suicide deaths by females.
Brisbane-based social worker Jatinder Kaur says mental health issues like anxiety and depression are at the root of this. She told SBS Punjabi, "there are many recent instances where someone from the Australian Punjabi community has abruptly ended their life because of ongoing mental health problems."
"In Brisbane alone, I've heard of three to four Indian international students who have committed suicide in the past few months."
"I'm also aware of a lady aged in her 60's, a grandmother, who has lived in Australia for over three decades, who ended her life recently. She had never been able to accept the death of her daughter and had on-going mental health issues due to that."
Ms Kaur says the main purpose of this interview with SBS Punjabi and reason for mentioning these cases is to educate the community on how to spot mental illness and know where and how to receive help.
"Suicide is the leading cause of death among Australians aged between 15 and 44," she says.
"Statistics reveal that 200 people in Australia attempt suicide everyday."
"This includes the young and the old, men and women - all demographics. My advice to everyone, especially in the Punjabi community where talking about mental health issues is almost a taboo subject, is to ask someone 'Are You OK'?"
Emphasising the importance of the approach, Ms Kaur stresses, "If you notice anyone showing the first signs of mental illness, or if they're talking about taking their own lives, just talk to them first, and refer them to the free services available."
Explaining the symptoms and first signs of mental illness, Ms Kaur mentions the following:
- Hopelessness
- Isolation
- Sudden mood changes - quick to anger
- Substance abuse - such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other substances.
- Self-harm
- Risk-taking behaviour
"If you think someone close to you is displaying these symptoms, take them to the GP. The GP can put them on a mental health care plan, that gives them six free visits to a psychologist or a mental health care worker.
'You can also take them to a hospital if things are bad, because every hospital in Australia has a mental health unit.
"And if you recognise the above symptoms in yourself, please call free helplines like Lifeline and Beyond Blue."
"I urge the community to really adopt the R U OK approach, and look out for one another - rather than have regrets later in life when something drastic happens."
If you are experiencing a personal crisis and need someone to talk to, please call:
Lifeline on 13 11 14 or
Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636
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