Canadian politician Jagmeet Singh was meeting with his supporters at “JagMeet and Greet” campaign outreach event when he was interrupted by a woman who identified herself as Jennifer in the start of the video. The woman pushed herself in front of Jagmeet and yelled at him about sharia law and Muslim brotherhood.
“We know you’re in bed with Sharia. We know you’re in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood. We know by your votes,” she said.
During this encounter, the woman kept repeating herself getting in the face of the politician as people in the audience got visibly upset. When some supporters tried to calm her down she threatened them with police.
“Don’t touch me, don’t anybody touch me or I’ll call the police immediately,” she said.
The woman said that Jagmeet’s office had refused to answer her calls and she wanted to know when he will stop supporting Sharia law.
Jagmeet Singh, however, kept his calm and decided to address the crowd directly paying little attention to the intruder. He started his address with his campaign chant, “Love and Courage”.
He went on to say, “We don't want to be intimidated by hate, we don't want hatred to ruin a positive event... So let's show people how to treat someone with love: We welcome you. We love you. We support you."
The video of this exchange went viral online and received over 4 lakh views.
Jagmeet Singh tweeted a statement on Saturday night explaining why he did not feel the need to explain to the woman that he is a Sikh not a Muslim.
“I chose not to answer the questions asked because I didn’t accept the premise….I purposely didn’t go down the road because it suggests their hate would be ok if I was a muslim.” he said.

Source: Tweeter
Watch full exchange here
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