Republican frontrunner in the US presidential race, Donald Trump may not have any more challengers left in the party, but he is having to deal with the 'Sikh Captain America' who feels, instead of making America great, the billionaire businessman is making America hate.
Washington-based political cartoonist Vishavjit Singh occasionally transforms into ‘Sikh Captain America’ with a turban. He fights bigotry and works to bring about cultural understanding through his public appearances and talks.
"Donald Trump has certainly been a candidate whose words have been alarming for someone like me, who happens to be at the front lines of bigotry in post-9/11 America," he said.

Source: Facebook
"Captain America as a character would stand in complete opposition to Donald Trump and his candidacy. Today, besides ISIS, the festering of extreme right-wing and supremacist forces at home will be targets for Captain America's wrath," he was quoted as saying by the Washington Post.
"He might be full of himself, overstuffed with his achievements with a towering skyscraper of an ego, but even deep inside him resides seeds of benevolence," Singh said.
"I wish him well; I wish him compassion; I wish him to realise the violence of his words; I wish him a landslide loss in the elections for his own good," he said.
"Some of my art is informed by my own experience on the streets of America and being targeted as an outsider – at times as a threat just based on my looks," Singh said. "So I had this vision of an American superhero fighting hate and intolerance."
"No other superhero seemed better placed for this task -- I don't think I would have selected Superman or Batman," Singh said.