How much do we know about coronavirus vaccines being released in Australia in early 2021?

Picture shows illustration for the coronavirus vaccine in Zagreb, Croatia, August 14, 2020. A Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech has been found to be more than 90 per cent effective Photo: Igor Kralj/PIXSELL.

Picture shows illustration for the coronavirus vaccine being developed by Pfizer and Germanys BioNTech. Source: AAP

Emergency use of the vaccine has already been approved in the United States and the United Kingdom, but Australia remains firm that there is no need to rush the rollout plan, even though there are several 'vaccine candidates' set to be rolled out in the first half of 2021.

As Australia approaches the end of an extraordinary year, a new start beckons with optimism for a much-anticipated COVID-19 vaccine. 

But how much do we really know about the potential vaccine candidates in line for an early 2021 release in Australia?

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, confirmed the goal of a March 2021 timeline for vaccinations against coronavirus in Australia.

The global COVID-19 vaccine effort has been described as "huge human endeavour" by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) Vice President Dr Chris Moy.

The Australian Government has invested more than $3.3 billion in FOUR agreements but that has now been reduced to THREE, due to the cancellation of the University of Queensland / CSL deal.

The existing agreements are with Oxford University-AstraZeneca (53.8 million doses), Pfizer-BioNTech (10 million doses) and Novavax (51 million doses).

It will be manufactured in the United States, Belgium and Germany, but Australia has the option to purchase additional doses if required.

In Australia, a vaccine must pass the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s ((TGA)) rigorous assessment and approval processes on its safety, quality and effectiveness.

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People in Australia must stay at least 1.5 meters away from others. 

Testing for coronavirus is now widely available across Australia. If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, arrange a test by calling your doctor or contact the Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.
The federal government's coronavirus tracing app COVIDSafe is available for download from your phone's app store.

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