Owning a home has been known as "the great Australian dream".
But as numerous inquiries have established, there's a problem with how much they now cost.
Former treasurer Josh Frydenberg admitted as much last year, as the latest senate investigation into housing affordability got underway.
The main issue for renters is price.
Homes cost a lot to lease and tenancy groups say there's a lack of protections for renters in terms of the quality that must be offered, or the amount of time someone can stay.
Joel Dignam says there is also no real limit on how much landlords can increase the rent.
Anglicare's new report on housing affordability offers a plan out of the crisis.
They're calling for a trial of secure, long-term leasing models for mainstream private tenancies.
But it's not clear how soon, or if at all, any of these potential changes might happen.
Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers is already flagging the upcoming October budget won't have everything that people want.
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