In October 2011 Constantine Mandylas departed from Melbourne Exhibition Building Motoclassica show at the wheel of his beloved 1913 Ford T with the aim to drive an antique car from Melbourne, Australia to Moscow, Russia via Africa. Amazingly, he accomplished his journey arriving to Moscow by September 2012 right in time to the opening of classic car show at the Museum of the Industrial culture. Marking 100 years of Australians Birtles and Nagel’s ‘impossible’ 1912 journeys Constantine believed that a pre-World War One made car can still successfully cover long and difficult distances in various road conditions. He was spectacularly proven right, having covered distance of 16,5 thousand kilometers. We followed Constantine Mandylas throughout his journey and here is the very first interview, when his dream was still very much in the making. (Voiced over by Alex Menglet).
History in the making Source: Supplied
Constantine Mandylas in Canberra before the departure in 2011 Source: Supplied