Egor Dmitrich Glumov, the young man - Mark Skosyrev
Glafira Klimovna Glumova, his mother - Tatiana Moroz
Neil Fedoseich Mamayev, rich landlord and distant relative of Glumov - Lev Koltynyuk
Cleopatra Lvovna Mamayev, his wife - Faina Shersher
Ivan Ivanovich Gorodulin, young important gentleman - Arkady Zilberg
Director of the Radio play and narrator: Irina Veksler
Sound technician : Vlad Ladgman

Mark Skosyrev and Lev Kotynyuk in the play 1995 Source: SBS

Faina Shersher and Mark Skosyrev in the play 1995 Source: SBS

Source: SBS