"Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man", Radio play, Act 4

Melbourne Russian Theatrical Studio 1995

Melbourne Russian Theatrical Studio 1995 Source: SBS

In 1995 in Melbourne Lev Koltynyuk created a theatrical studio. Before coming to Australia he worked in the theatre in Odessa. His energy attracted to the studio many amateur and professional actors of different ages from many different cities of the former USSR. Irina Veksler, the head of in Russian radio SBS at that time decided to produce a number of radio play performed by the actors of the studio, and A. Ostrovsky's "Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man" became first work in this collaboration in 1997. Some fragments of this play were later shown on the stage for a the audience.


Egor Dmitrich Glumov, the young man - Mark Skosyrev

Glafira Klimovna Glumova, his mother - Tatiana Moroz

Neil Fedoseich Mamayev,  rich landlord and distant relative of Glumov - Lev Koltynyuk

Cleopatra Lvovna Mamayev, his wife - Faina Shersher

Ivan Ivanovich Gorodulin, young important gentleman - Arkady Zilberg

Director of the Radio play and narrator: Irina Veksler

Sound technician : Vlad Ladgman
On the stage - 1997
On the stage - 1997 Source: SBS
Mark Skosyrev and Faina Shersher in the play 1997
Mark Skosyrev and Faina Shersher in the play 1997 Source: SBS
"Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man" 3-4
Source: SBS
