The Bear. A comedy in one Act. Radio Play

Melbourne Russian Theatrical Studio 1995

Melbourne Russian Theatrical Studio 1995 Source: SBS

In 1995 in Melbourne Lev Koltynyuk created a theatrical studio. Before coming to Australia he worked in the theatre in Odessa. His energy attracted to the studio many amateur and professional actors of different ages from many different cities of the former USSR. Irena Veksler, the head of in Russian radio SBS at that time decided to produce a number of radio play performed by the actors of the studio, and Anton Chekhov's The Bear became the second work in this collaboration in 1996.

The Bear is a classic one-act play and one of the great works of Anton Chekhov. This comedy reveals the fine line between anger and passion and it is about  how very  strange can beginning of love be.

Principle characters:

Elena Ivanovna Popova, a landowning little widow, with dimples on her cheeks - Faina Shersher
Grigory Stepanovitch Smirnov, a middle-aged landowner - Lev Goldberg
Luka, Popova's aged footman - Arkady Zilberg
Faina Shersher in the play 1995
Faina Shersher in the play 1995 Source: SBS

Play Director: Lev Koltynyuk

Director of SBS Radio play: Irena Veksler

Sound technician : Vlad Ladgman
