A Passage to India: Book with Racism, imperialism, sexual accusation during the Indian independence movement

A Passage to India, a book that brings Racism, imperialism, sexual accusation during the Indian Independence movement

A Passage to India, a book that brings Racism, imperialism, and sexual accusation during the Indian Independence movement_ SBS Sinhala world literary

This month, we are focusing on a world-famous novel also recognised as an all-time favorite 100 novels in the world by the Times magazine - A Passage to India.

A Diploma holder for World Literature at the University of Warwick, England, Dilini Eriyawala and the editor of the Isu Nalangana joined the SBS Sinhala Radio world Literary discussion.

Click on the below audio to listen to the last month's program

SINHALA WORLD LIT - SEPTEMBER - 27/09 - Tuesday image

ලෝ පතල ලේඛකයින්ගේ අපූරු කෙටිකථා සමඟින් මෙල්බර්න් නුවරින් කලඑළි බසින 'ඉසු නළඟන': විශ්ව සාහිත්‍යයේ රස මංපෙත්

SBS Sinhala

