Experience the wonder of an ancient mining town in Australia: The Australian Rural Beauty

ancient Australian mining town Cobar in New South Walse

wonder of an ancient Australian mining town Cobar in New South Walse, Australia_ Image - SBS Sinhala

The monthly radio tour of the SBS Sinhala is heading to Corba, a historic mining town in New South Wales, Australia that is still thriving. The tour is led by Janaka Weerasinghe, the Queensland State Correspondent of SBS Sinhala Radio, who guides you through the town's fascinating history and present-day attractions.

Here is the last month's trip...

Australian Rural Beauty - Feb 2024 program image

වික්ටෝරියා ප්‍රාන්තයේ රෝස විල් වටා සංචාරය කරන ගමන් ආදිවාසීන් ගේ ජනකතාවක් අහමු: Australian Rural Beauty

SBS Sinhala

