Health Services Union calls for a $5 per hour pay rise for disability support workers

Young caregiver pushing patient on wheelchair from a nursing home in the park.

Young caregiver pushing patient on wheelchair from a nursing home in the park. Source: Moment RF / Halfpoint Images/Getty Images

According to the Health Services Union (HSU), Australia is facing a shortfall of 100,000 disability industry staff, with one in four workers planning to leave the sector because of low pay, inadequate training, and lack of career pathways. The union is calling for a $5-an-hour pay rise. Listen to SBS Sinhala pocast for more information.

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මූලිය ක්‍රම තුනක් යටතේ අයදුම් කල හැකි NSW ප්‍රාන්තයේ Skilled Work Regional visa nominations ගැන තොරතුරු මෙන්න

SBS Sinhala

