Indo-China geopolitical challenges for the new Sri Lankan regime

Indo-China geopolitical challenges for the new Sri Lankan regime

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping (Photo by Wang Zhou - Pool/Getty Images)_ Anura Kumara Dissanayake - president of Sri Lanka_ Amal Jayasinghe - AFP journalist - Images - Supplied

Listen to the SBS Sinhala interview with the head of the AFP news in Sri Lanka and the political analyst for the South Asia region, Mr. Amal Jayasinghe, discussing the Indo-China geopolitical challenges for the new Sri Lankan government.

Credibility of election survays in Sri Lanka image

කාටවත් සියයට 50 ක් ලැබුනේ නැත්නම් ලංකා ඉතිහාසයේ පළමු වරට සුළු ජන චන්ද බලයක් ඇති ජනාධිපති කෙනෙක් බිහිවෙන හැටි

SBS Sinhala

