Is Mao's Last Dancer a mirror of Mao Zedong's Chinese communist rule: SBS Sinhala world Literary discussion

Li Cunxin (“Mao’s Last Dancer”) is seen during a media call at the the Immigration Museum in Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, July 5, 2018. The museum is currently hosting an exhibition about Li Cunxin’s life and career, titled 'Mao's Last Dancer the exhib

Li Cunxin (“Mao’s Last Dancer”) is seen during a media call at the the Immigration Museum in Melbourne, Australia, Source: AAP Image/Luis Ascui

Dilini Eriyawala, a lecturer at Deakin University in Melbourne and a Diploma in world Literature at the University of Warwick, England speaks to SBS Sinhala radio

Listen "World Literature" radio program on the last Tuesday of the month from SBS Sinhala Radio
