A journey to Mornington Island in QLD where the memories hidden on the Stolen Generation: SBS Radio Journey

Mornington Island_ Queensland_ Australia_ SBS Sinhala

SBS Sinhala Radio's monthly travel to regional Australia is to Mornington Island in Queensland, where the ugly memories hidden on the Stolen Generation

SBS Sinhala Radio's monthly travel to regional Australia is to Mornington Island in Queensland, where the ugly memories hidden on the Stolen Generation.

Queensland correspondent of SBS Sinhala Radio, Janaka Weerasinghe takes you on this radio journey

Australian Rural Beauty: SBS Sinhala monthly Radio journey to remote Australia

Listen to the last month’s Australian Rural Beauty radio journey below

ARB - April program 2023 image

ලෝහ කණින පතල් බහුල ක්වීන්ස්ලන්ත ප්‍රාන්තයේ කර්කෂ ප්‍රාදේශීය නගරයකට චාරිකාවක්: මාසික ගුවන් විදුලි චාරිකාව

SBS Sinhala

