Red blood tear dropped from the Uluru - A Sinhala song on the Aussie indigenous values: "My Song"

This month’s ‘My Song’ program focused on a Sinhala song recently launched on Aboriginal values

SBS Sinhala Radio ‘My Song’ program focussed on a Sinhala song recently launched on Aboriginal values_ Nalin Jayawardhana_ Lakshman Kodithuwakku

This month’s ‘My Song’ program focussed on a Sinhala song recently launched on Aboriginal values and how they have been discriminated against in the Australian land. The song is " Red blood tear dropped from the Uluru". SBS Sinhala has interviewed vocalist, Nalin Jayawardhana (WA) and the lyrist, Lakshman Kodithuwakku (NSW).

SBS Sinhala ‘My song’ monthly musical program - Introducing lyricists, vocalists, musicians, and the new Sinhala songs from Sri Lankans who live in Australia.

H්ere is the last November (2022) 'My Song' program....enjoy

My Song - Nov - Long image

ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාවේ මෙල්බර්න් නුවරින් ප්‍රථම වතාවට ඇසෙන විප්‍රයෝගයේ 'සරා සඳ': මෙවර "මගේ ගීතය" මාසික වැඩසටහනින්

SBS Sinhala

