Story of the Sri Lankan scientist who involved in NASA Apollo 11 Human Moon landing Mission

Sri Lankan scientist Cyril Ponnamperuma who was involved in NASA Apollo 11 Moon landing Mission

Sri Lankan scientist Cyril Ponnamperuma who was involved in NASA Apollo 11 Moon landing Mission

NASA's moon landing mission celebrates its 54th anniversary today, the 20th of July 2023. SBS Sinhala radio brings you the story of the Sri Lankan scientist, Professor Cyril Ponnamperuma who was the leader of the team of Luna soil analysing team in the NASA Moon landing man mission in 1969.

Mr. Sanath Panawenna, the Director General, Chief Executive Officer, Engineer, of Arthur C. Clarke Center, Colombo, speaks to SBS Sinhala Radio about the enormous contribution of Prof. Cyril Ponnamperuma, a Sri Lankan scientist who involved in the human moon landing.
