The story of Fr Jacome Gonsalves, who gave a Sri Lankan appearance to carols during the Dutch era

Bernard Perera, Administrative Father of St. Mary's Cathedral, Hobart, Tasmania, joined SBS Sinhala Radio to talk on the history of carols

Bernard Perera, Administrative Father of St. Mary's Cathedral, Hobart, Tasmania, joined SBS Sinhala Radio to talk on the history of carols_ Image - Supplied

Bernard Perera, Administrative Father of St. Mary's Cathedral, Hobart, Tasmania, joined SBS Sinhala Radio to talk on the history of carols and the involvement of the visiting Fr Jacome Gonsalves who gave the local appearance to the Carols during the Duch era

Carol Singing - Hobart Sri Lankan Choir
  • Gihan Pathirana
  • Fiona Rodrigo
  • Sera Fernando
  • Sanatri Alvis
Recording assistance
  • Don Malshan Rashinda
  • Isuru Ekanayake
