Let's walk on the Rainbow Beach which linked to Australian Aboriginal Mythology: Australian Rural Beauty

Rainbow Beach in Queensland_ Australia

Rainbow Beach which is linked to Australian Aboriginal Mythology_ SBS Sinhala monthly radio journey to remote Australia

Enjoy the beauty of the rainbow beach in the state of Queensland which was born from a mythical story belonging to the "Dream Age" of the Aboriginal people of Australia

Queensland correspondent of SBS Sinhala Radio, Janaka Weerasinghe takes you on this radio journey

Australian Rural Beauty: SBS Sinhala monthly Radio journey to remote Australia

Here is the last month- October tour ..

ARB - OCT program image

ඇබෝරිජින් වරුන්ගේ අපූරු ජීවන රටා සොයා බටහිර ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාවේ ඔස්ට්‍රාලින් වෙත යමු: Australian Rural Beauty

SBS Sinhala

