Chairperson of Kalyna Care Ms Halja Bryndzia.

Chairperson of Kalyna Care Ms Halja Bryndzia. Source: Kalyna Care, Melbourne.

Bogdan Rudnytski interviewed Chairperson of the Board of the Kalyna Care Ms Halja Bryndzia. We spoke about the latest news and current situation in lockdown. No one is permitted at the facility that is not actually working there. Kalyna Care continues to work closely with health authorities to maximise protection of residents and staff from coronavirus.

The Kalyna Care appeal to our Ukrainian community in the hope that some of you may be available and willing to come on board temporarily, as paid employees, to help us staff the home to ensure our residents get the best possible care during these times.  The Kalyna Care could use assistance in the following areas:

 (Obviously, as a priority, anyone with COVID-19 or infectious disease experience).

 Nurses/Personal Careers prepared to work in a COVID-19 positive area.

 Nurses/Personal Careers prepared to work in the facility but in COVID-19 negative areas (Full PPE will always be required).

 People willing to work in COVID negative areas (Full PPE always required) to assist with:  delivery of food, cleaning, resident facetime/skype contact, rubbish removal.

 People willing to assist with answering phone calls, administration assistance (staff onboarding, communications, etc.).   (Working off site)

 Anyone who is required to wear PPE will receive extensive training and support to ensure safety.

Employment arrangements will be appropriate short term or temporary contracts.

The Association of Ukrainians in Victoria is kindly assisting us with implementation of this project.

For expressions of interest or clarification please call:  

Irene Stawiski on 0438 372 270  or Teresa Jaworski: 0419 569 184  or email 
